SAHPs who work out, how and when do you do it?

@halo235689 I lift weights 3x a week, and walk for an hour as well on those days. And I run 3-4 times a week on the other days (for an hour). It’s shifted around a bit lately because of illness and the holidays, but that’s my basic routine.

Disclaimer - I work out at home. I lift weights in the garage during nap or while the kids play outside, and the kids tag along on walks/runs in the jogger. I WISH we had a gym close by with childcare. That sounds so nice!

For weights, I highly recommend starting strength to learn and grow on the big lifts. I also recommend Strong Curves (get the book for sure! I got it on kindle for $8) which might be more beginner friendly.

The key is consistency. Start with 3x a week, even just walking on the treadmill. Build the habit, then add on from there!
@halo235689 Every morning ours has a fun class. I won’t exercise unless people around me are, so I do classes and stretch more afterwards. It’s a lifesaver! After 4 I’m pretty dead, so rarely I’ll go to a night class.
@halo235689 Monday- biceps and back
Tuesday- triceps and chest
Wednesday- legs
Thursday- core
Friday- do whatever didn’t get enough.

30 minutes on the elliptical everyday too.

My kids 7 and 4 love child watch and get mad if I don’t take them both in the evening.
@halo235689 Does your Y have MX4? It’s my favorite class. It’s 25 minutes and an intense HITT workout. They have it 3x/week at 9 and then I hop on the peloton after. I’m jealous your kidzone opens at 8, mine is only 9-11.
@halo235689 Ooh I wish I had a membership to a gym with childcare! That sounds great. I’m pregnant with first trimester exhaustion right now, but before that, I was running when my husband watched our son. And I did livestream barre workouts at home (which is nice because they’re not super sweaty, so it’s no big deal if baby wakes up from a nap or anything like that — no need to shower and wash your hair and change all your clothes like you would with cardio).
@halo235689 My husband works nights, so it works out for us. I wake up then at 4am and get ready and go gym - do some weights, spin class etc and grab a swim. I'll come home a few hours later and then my husband will go to bed and I'm ready for the day with toddler.
@halo235689 I go to stroller strides three days a week. We run and do resistance exercises. Two week days and one weekend day i swim at the Y or in the ocean. I like to hike as a family activity so once on the weekend we usually go for a hike.
@halo235689 So I just had my baby a little over 2 months ago, and I’ve started my regular workout routine again as of last week. I try to do a short workout video in the morning (10-30 minutes) while my husband watches the baby for me, then later in the day I go for a long walk with the dog (and the baby as well sometimes). I mostly use walking as my form of exercise nowadays, but once I’m a bit more healed I’ll get back into running.
@halo235689 I go to a bootcamp that’s 5:30-6:15 in the morning and then I run on my husband’s days off from work. I will say that we recently got a treadmill and that’s been nice since I can use that after bedtime or during afternoon nap. It’s hard to work in but so worth it. I’m also a fan of the BodyFit by Amy channel on YouTube. I’ve been doing her videos since early 2020 when I got pregnant with my first.

It was easier to exercise whenever we just had 1 kid, but now that we’re on the 2 under 2 train it’s gotten harder. More to juggle. But having a supportive partner makes a huge difference!
@halo235689 I have a weightlifting basement gym that I try to use during nap times if there aren’t other things going on or when my spouse is doing something with baby. I usually get 3 workouts/week. We’ll join the Y when baby is potty trained.

If you’re interested in weightlifting or looking for equipment, FB Marketplace is a good place to look right now. A lot of people bought equipment during the height of the pandemic and are selling now that they don’t use it or go to a commercial gym. Weights are a good deal around $1/lb. Check out r/homegym for inspiration.
@halo235689 I use an app called Fitbod that I really like, it’s not cheap, but you can set up different gym profiles so you can put in all the equipment at the y and it will generate workouts for you. Also see if your y does a free first time trainer session and see if they will help walk you through how to use any equipment you feel intimidated by. Although now I’m pregnant with twins so most of the time I just walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and enjoy someone else watching my other 2 while I shower.
@halo235689 When I had a Y membership, I did 30 minutes of cardio (usually elliptical, my fave), 30 minutes of swimming and then 15 in the sauna to relax. Then a shower. I did yoga classes on Saturdays too. That was pre-baby though. We couldn't afford the membership anymore once little dude came around 😭😭