
@historyismypassion It’s the expecting first time parents that have annoyed me like that. We all have our own preconceived ideas about parenting when you’re expecting but the reality is often quite different and you have to do what works.
@historyismypassion Oh. My. UGH. I have an almost 9 month old and it’s never stopped from multiple women in the family. I was just at the pool with my MIL and SIL and I was called a “smother” because I “hover” and “helicopter” around my baby too much- in response to me keeping an eye on him while he was sitting in his play tent with his 7 & 9yo cousins. I also was told that “I shouldn’t worry so much” when I was talking about baby food woes and also told that “I should give up” on telling the children to not be too loud while I was nursing as it was distracting my babe eating. That was just in one day. 🤦🏻‍♀️
@lambo53 Wth!! He's 9 months old around a large body of water and two older children, like of course you would be watching over him carefully! What dingbats - so sorry they said those things to you. I can't fathom their logic. My only explanation for these type of unsolicited and idiotic comments is that they're perhaps subconsciously jealous of the fabulous mother that you are. I was on holiday recently with my MIL and SIL, and her children, and they were straight up screaming and running around me while I tried to nurse. MIL thought it was hilarious and said my baby will "get used to it." SIL just ignored her screaming toddlers.
@ministerryan Do we have the same mother and sis in law?! 😂
I try not to take it personally but it’s like judgements and criticisms being thrown at me from every angle. We also live with my MIL right now and man am I counting the days until I have the ultimate freedom of not having my every parenting decision watched and judged!!
Godspeed, friend ❤️
@historyismypassion My MIL likes to tell me about how her daughter ‘just lays the baby (4.5mo) on the floor and she falls right asleep! Right in the middle of all the chaos!’ Cool. Good for her baby. Mine (3mo) needs a dark room, white noise and rocking so either help or leave. K, bye.
@historyismypassion I’ve had a family member say to my husband we can’t let our 5 week old “rule the roost” because my son hasn’t been sleeping well.... I wish I was the one on the phone to ask more questions 🙄. I honestly have no idea what his suggestions would be with a comment like that.

Unwarranted opinions coming from a father who wasn’t around for his wife and newborn...

Im all for snuggling my little one as much as I humanly can. There is no such thing as holding a newborn too much in my eyes!
@historyismypassion When is an appropriate time to offer perspective? My sister literally feeds my nephew junk food 90% of the time and it's really hard to watch. She also argues with him the majority of the time. He's 5 and a great kid, I hate to see him not treated well.

I know it's not cool to critique anyone's parenting but there is a legitimate concern here.
@rcast99 Great I'll keep that in mind if she starts spanking him. And I'll wait till he's obese and diabetic to approach the subject of constant candy.

Sorry if insight wasn't the right word, but it's a whole lot better than feeding a toddler candy, ice cream, and cupcakes.

Parents shouldn't be nitpicked, but at some point the welfare of the child prompts an uncomfortable discussion.
@historyismypassion Let me offer another pov. With the whole wealth of information available. One should be open to feedback and help with tactics.

It's ok to examine whatever we may be doing and see if there is a better way to do it.

Example: i have a 2 year old at this point and my best friends have a 2.5 year old, so we have spend a lot of time helping and taking to reach other about challenges that come with each milestones.

While my wife and i do our best to learn, read books educate ourself on the latest research, my friends do things just because that's how they were raised and don't accept any feedback from anyone or do any self education.

Their kid has anger management problems, she bites, slaps and punches the mom and others all the time. The parents solution is to put the kid in time out till she says that she is sorry. In one incident, the kid was being put in time out for up to two hrs where the parents whent in ever 15 to check in and to get the kid to say "sorry" for hitting. The kid was sobbing that she didn't want to be left alone but the parents kept putting the her in timeout claiming that "they know their kid the best" and that she was being stubborn and not saying sorry on purpose..... My wife's and my jaw dropped at this disciplining tactic.

We tried to share research to show that time outs is an outdated tactic that don't work especially on kids that young. We were shut down really quick with a " we know what we are doing".

I guess the point is yes we all know our kids the best. But let's have open discussions and be open to feedback as we all have blindspots and we all have opportunity to learn and get better.