Y'all these BST groups are wild


New member
I joined a B/S/T baby carrier group because I'd like to buy an onbuhimo...wow.

So many acronyms! Some of these members have collections that must be worth more than a thousand dollars, like literally closets just for their carriers. They have very specific requests, like a carrier made 10 years ago that is no longer in circulation, and people know exactly which one they are talking about!

I'm feeling very intimidated because I don't know the specifics of what I want, I just want a cute onbuhimo. I joined the BST group because I would like to buy a carrier more cheaply 2nd-hand, but a lot of the carriers being sold are like "limited edition" and they're even more expensive than a normal new one! I really think there is a clear divide between the people who use carriers as a means to an end, and those who really think of it as a hobby.

BTW I'm absolutely not knocking people with carrier collections (I honestly think it's super cool), I am just posting this to comment on how I felt like I jumped into a new world of hobbyists that I hadn't known existed before.

Edit: This is not the HBC group, actually.
@nathilidou I feel like we’re in the same group.. and I’m basically just like there but don’t interacted because it’s terrifying. I’m mainly there for updates on the actual website, because that’s where owners post about it. I don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars for something just because people decide they need to collect them in all the colors?? I just want ONE, but they’re impossible to get.
@evangelicalangelic I can recommend naked Panda designs. Other mamas I know who use them compare them to HBC but most say they're more comfortable as far as strap squish and fit. Right now they have their customs open so you can pick the fabric you want and which colors. Only for the water carriers tho. Which btw are a dream, super soft (board short material) and lightweight and being able to get wet it's a huge plus. They have onbuhimos (only ones I know with PFA straps like SCCs) and SCCs.

For reference I have multiple carriers, wraps, ring slings, kinderpack, tried tula and never liked them. And now naked Panda is my bomb. They really are amazing 😍 they also have a Facebook BST group that have some good deals and an array of options
@evangelicalangelic I have several HBCs. I also have several Aura Leaf ring slings, a few Wildbird ring slings, some Lenny Lamb ring slings, a solly wrap, and a Didymos woven wrap.

My HBCs are my go-to. Originals for long ups and naps. Onbuhimos for quick ups, chores, or an otherwise alert baby.
@demetrius194 I've always been disappointed in their colors when I see them in real life. Their stock photos are so overexposed or filtered so they are very bright! Then I find that the color comes and in person it's more muted and not as special :(
@nathilidou I posted in the ISO page that I wanted one in any color at or under retail...had someone respond immediately with a Flax one that I bought under retail. It was quick, easy and painless. I was way too intimidated to buy off a sales post, so I didn’t!
@nathilidou Sorry, post not page! On the HappyBaby Facebook page under Announcements you should be able to find an ISO album for each carrier type for the month!
@nathilidou There's cake preorders happening right now.white with rainbow specks. Delivery this April if you can wait that long. Get a brand new one for retail! Crazy, eh. They sure don't go up in value over time. Just mental. I got my used one for $100. Just can't be picky about color. Also, they're incredibly easy to make if you're already into sewing. If not , then yeah, pain to get a machine and fabric and learn so $155 is worth avoiding the hassle.
@nathilidou Babywearing and cloth diaper communities tend to be super obsessed with their "stashes". I have definitely been a victim of that. I have a large babywearing stash but I definitely don't have more than one of a certain brand like some people do.
@dahveed I’m like you I have a stash, however I only have 1 of each “style” of carrier. One that does everything, stretchy, sling, woven and Onbuhimo. To me it’s like owning different shoes for different activities
@rachel24 Yep! That's exactly what I tell my clients. Baby carries are like shoes, you wear them for different occasions and for different babies, even a different carrier for each stage of the same baby.