Y'all these BST groups are wild

@nathilidou Haha I just went through this trying to find an onbuhimo! Took me a few weeks to figure it out but ended up with a reasonably priced happy baby one and it’s been great.
@nathilidou I was looking at them the other day.. Soooo expensive and out of stock. When my baby is older I plan to give away my cloth do diapers. I wish this was the same with carriers!!
@demetrius194 super new to happy baby but looking to buy one! do you know where i can get more details about the upcoming restock? i saw there’s a preorder going on but i was hoping to get something sooner than april if possible.
@shinigami_258 The FB BST group will open back up tomorrow (they shut down on weekends). If you join there the owners will announce the date and time of the next restock. It's tentatively set for this Thursday but time is TBD. If you order from this restock the carrier usually ships out that week.

The current preorder is just for two prints - Cake and Spark. It was unplanned - the company had a few surplus carriers and opened orders up for them but forgot to turn off the backorder option and ended up overselling before they realized their mistake. Rather than cancel a bunch of orders they offered to run the oversold carriers as preorders. Several people asked if they could be added to the preorder and HB obliged. The preorder is a few months out because the carriers aren't made yet.

Anyway. That was a lot of info you didn't ask for 🤣
@katrina2017 That’s great! Though I was going to say (at least back when I was stocking on cloth diapers for my now-toddler) some cloth diaper groups can be the same if not worse/weirder!! Oh man, at least carriers kind of make sense, but upselling limited edition diaper prints on used diapers...so weird.
@complexsimpleton Oh riiiiight. I forgot about the huge stash shots haha. I have a "big" stash of all used. Like 24 nappies. But I've seen incredible posts. The girl I bought diapers from gave me all her stuff and it's way more than I need.
@nathilidou I love my stash, but it's pretty much all wraps. I'm a fiber geek, so a lot of it for me is trying out the different materials and weaving techniques. I definitely have a collection in the thousands, but I use all my wraps regularly and know how to clean them if they get gross.
Like anything collectible, it can get out of hand of course. I don't personally understand the collection of carriers, but I could see how someone could enjoy it. I do question collections that can't be used.