Y’all, it’s not our fault

@upon_this_rock On the same boat!

I went to an infant development talk recently at a local library and apparently sleeping a 5 hr stretch can already be considered “sleeping through the night” 🤯. And waking up 3 times a night up until 3 years old is still considered normal. Somehow hearing this makes it all seem a little less wild having to wake up 3,4, or 5 times a night 🤣🤪 praying for more sleep for all of us in the near year 🥲keep it up mamas❤️
@upon_this_rock Some adults are intuitively “good” sleepers; some are not. Babies are humans, with individual strengths and weaknesses. It’s absolutely no one’s fault if a baby struggles with independent sleep. I wake up several times a night as an adult! They’ll get there in time.
@upon_this_rock 4 day old here, first kid at 40 so we're both old and tired already.

Unfortunately ours will only fall asleep and stay asleep while held/on us for now, and mom spent yesterday at the ER getting diagnosed with a kidney infection. Tired was the first night, exhausted was two days ago followed by pure zombie mode.

Today is some new level I didn't know existed.

It can only get better, right? If anyone wonders where the time exists to post, it's currently stay awake and watch to make sure baby sleeps safely on sleeping mom after the feed.
@stevemac It does get better for nearly all babies. The first few days are brutal (especially when you add on medical emergencies like you’ve had). I think it’s an anomaly that a 4 day old baby is happy to sleep in an empty crib alone. A crap sleeping 7 month old is miles better than a crap sleeping 4 day old, too.
@upon_this_rock I caved into co-sleeping when he was in the midst of tummy pains caused by CMPA and changing formulas and I finally got some sleep, and after we found working formula I transitioned him into his crib and then bam teething. First teething night was the worst, little guy was inconsolable even co-sleeping didn't do anything. Only exhaustion eventually worked. And now he is almost always teething, I mean there are days when everything is alright and then suddenly red cheeks and extremely moody little guy crying about every little thing, but I should say that he does sleep better.

And new problem arose - he is standing up now and his crib doesn't look nearly deep enough to keep him there safely on the lowest setting. Idk what to do, change mattress to something thin, that would win me only maybe 5 cm. I'm just scared that he would fall out head first. I did that when I was a baby, my mom still can't believe that happened.
@upon_this_rock My daughter is 2 and there are still some nights where she wakes up once or twice throughout the night. She’s been sleep trained since she was about 6-7 months old. It just happens, I know it sucks waking up out of your sleep. I always keep in mind that there is eventually gonna be a day where she doesn’t want/need cuddles in the middle of the night and you’ll miss the days of watching them fall asleep in your arms.
@upon_this_rock I would like to very, very strongly agree with this.

I have two kids. I didn't make any radical changes to how I got them to sleep. One was SO ANTI SLEEP. I read so many things to help. Tried so many things. Kiddo was up many times a night, and I swear for the first many months I spent more time trying to get him to sleep during the night than he actually slept. It was torture.

The other kid slept like a champ from the start and takes very little time to fall asleep. Started having 8+ hour stretches of sleep at like two months.

100% was the kid, not the parent, that made the difference. It's not you but really is them. You aren't failing. There's not a magic trick you are missing. Kids just come as individuals.
@upon_this_rock OP, your baby sounds just like my baby, only 6 months younger! When mine was 2-3 months old and was getting maybe 11 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, no matter what I did, and every single source said he should be getting about 14-16 hours, I just about lost my damn mind. Every “he’ll just sleep in the car” comment is so infuriating too. Like I’m so glad it’s that easy for other people. That doesn’t mean it’s going to work for us. But you’re not alone.

But my son is a year old now, down to one nap already, but doing just fine. Meeting milestones and happy and healthy.
@upon_this_rock My almost 5 month old is a light sleeper. He still wakes up 3-4 times at night to feed. He is so active too. Co-sleeping helps. It’s so annoying when child free people tell me to let him cry it out when he wakes up when I transfer him to the crib or co-sleeping is bad. Even the pediatrician is okay with co-sleeping.