[X-post] Just starting out on our conception journey


New member
So my husband and I have decided that we’re going to start trying for our first child. He wanted to have all the info going into conception as he possibly could, so he met with his gastroenterologist (he’s got Crohn’s disease) to see which medications he had to stop while we’re trying to conceive. His doc said that he only had to stop one (an immunosuppressant) for about 2 months before we start trying.

We also just met with a new OB to ask all other questions. How long I need to be off of my b/c pill, how long of unsuccessful trying before we check fertility, etc.

So I just had my period Jan 2-7. I’m very regular. 28-29 day cycles, 5-6 day periods, it’s been like this as long as I can remember. So I stopped taking my pill on Jan 11 mid-pack, and on Jan 15 (yesterday) it seems to be I started another period. I’ve never had any spotting before in between periods so my thought is it’s some sort of withdrawal period from getting off the pill.

My question is, do I count this as a real period and start counting my cycle from yesterday? Or should I plan on getting my period when I normally would?

I also bought some ovulation test strips to make sure we’re trying when we need to be. I had a friend who was trying for a year before they realized they were ovulating like a week off from when they were trying. I’m hoping that the test strips work for me and we get pregnant soon. I’m just not sure if this new period threw me out of whack.

Please help 😊
@philippelarabe Just so you know, your cycles are regular because of the pill. That’s their job. Don’t be surprised if your cycles are all kinds of wonky coming off of them, it’s normal. Temping will help you know what’s going on!
@philippelarabe Yes, going off the pill can cause withdrawal bleeding. No period on the pill is a "real" period. Id probably call this cycle one, but I dont think I would actively start tracking and worrying about when cycle 1 started until the first period AFTER the pill. It is very common to be irregular for quite some time after going off the pill.
@philippelarabe I would count this as a new CD1 then track ovulation to confirm through this cycle. You may have seen the post yesterday where we were discussing whether or not to try on the first cycle off HBC, but personally, I wish I’d waited to track that first cycle and used a barrier method. Excited for you to start your journey and wishing luck!!
@philippelarabe Birth control is pretty effective at controlling cycles. If you stop taking it you will have a period of bleeding. Since it’s the first one it might still be a withdrawal bleed and not a true period since you may not have ovulated before. I stopped my birth control at the end of a pack and then my next period came a week early so it does take some regulation. I’ve been fairly regular and had all the signs of ovulation in the two cycles I’ve had since then.
@philippelarabe As to your weird period, according to a book everyone seems to suggest, Taking Charge if Your fertility, you can count the quasi period coming off birth control as a period IF it has red and or period like qualities (not spotting or just brown/Black). The first day of red/pink would be your CD1 and start of a new cycle. Congrats! It’s exciting!
@philippelarabe My husband and I are just starting, too! I went off my HBC 3 days ago. I’ve started cramping a little, so I’m expecting the withdrawal bleed any day. Hubby and I have an active sex life, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed this happens soon. I’m nervous, thrilled, giddy, and a little bit terrified all in one. I started eating like you’re supposed to when you’re pregnant and taking prenatal vitamins two weeks ago.

It’s good to see someone else in the same stage of this as I am. Good luck to you, and I hope we can be in touch throughout our journey to mommyhood!
@romoes Thanks! I’m so excited about this. I started taking prenatals in October because I knew we would be trying in the near future. My GYN at the time said that anyone in child bearing years who is thinking about TTC should be taking them. So I jumped on those right away. I want to be as healthy internally as possible before I get pregnant. I’m terrified of being the cause of some issue to our future baby while I’m pregnant lol
@philippelarabe Can I ask a sort of off topic question? How long has your husband been on the immunosuppresant and did the gastroenterologist say if there was likely to be any residual or long term effect to his fertility from having been on it? My older son has ulcerative colitis and autoimmune hepatitis primary sclerosing cholangitis overlap syndrome and takes Imuran daily (along with a bunch of other meds). One of the questions that his doctors haven't been able to answer for me is if it will be likely to affect his fertility when he is an adult from long term immunosuppression. His GI and hepatologist are pediatric doctors so they don't really deal with TTC and I can't really get an answer. Obviously he's going to stay on it regardless but I'd like to be able to prepare him for the possibility if it's relevant long before he ever tries to TTC and has to deal with the emotion at that time.
@alek990 They didn’t say anything about it affecting his fertility. He takes azathioprine (the immunosuppressant that he’s stopped) and he also takes Cimzia which is an injectable that he can continue taking. I’m hoping they’re correct and there’s no issues. Luckily he hasn’t had any symptoms so there shouldn’t be any issues.
@philippelarabe Thanks a lot! Azathioprine is the generic name for Imuran so that's the same drug that my son takes. I'm glad to hear they don't think your husband should have issues and it makes me less worried about my son's future family too. Good luck to you!
@alek990 I just asked my husband in regards to this and he said the Castro’s concern was passing along an immunosuppressant. The doc said “you really dont need to wait, I just feel more comfortable if you let it get out of your system”.
@philippelarabe Wow thanks! That's really interesting and helpful. There doesn't seem to be much info about it out there and even though I know it's better for him to take it I still worry about side effects so hearing that is reassuring.