WWYD, kindergarten for July baby?

@jellofishxo My July kiddo started when she was 5. She’s just finishing up and she’s totally ready for first grade. She was in preschool at age 3 and pre-k at age 4. I felt like that really laid a foundation for her to be prepared for kindergarten. Her pre-k teacher also did formal kindergarten evaluations and felt she was more than ready. For us it was the right choice.
@jellofishxo My son is turning 5 in July. He has not been to any school. My family is pressuring me to send him to socialize him but I really want to send him to a private daycare for a year of preschool because he also has autism and a speech delay. It’s just so cost prohibitive and I’m so conflicted. So sympathy momma!
@jellofishxo I’m sending my early July boy at 6 this year. One reason is gendered which annoys me but hear me out. My husband has a close birthday to our son and started K at 5. He really disliked being the youngest, smallest boy in his class. I don’t know if girls would have the same body issues though we obviously have our own and gender is a spectrum. However, we have the means to redshirt him and if we can give him one less thing to be insecure about or potentially be bullied for then that’s what we’ll do. His preschool teacher said he was developmentally fine to do either. Also I have a June birthday, started kindergarten at 6 and weirdly liked being one of the oldest in my class. I think it gave me some much needed confidence 🤷🏻‍♀️
@jellofishxo My mom waited until I was older to send me to kindergarten and in my opinion it really helped me avoid a lot of childish drama in highschool, being just a titch more mature than my classmates. She said she wanted to give me "one more year of being a kid" and I think that sentiment is really sweet. I've always appreciated her choice.