Wrap recommendation for baby #2


New member
Hi! Looking to try for number 2 soon. I used the Baby K’Tan with my first and found it pretty simple to use once baby had good head control. I lost it, though, so now I’m in the market for something new. Here are the things I liked about the Baby K’Tan:

-soft material
-very snug fit that worked for my 8 lb newborn up to about 9-10 months and over 20 pounds
-ability to switch positions. Primarily wanting the traditional face to me, face out (explore position), and possibly a supported hip sit (this was SO nice once she was able to walk but clingy)
-machine washable
-full coverage (we had a winter baby, so I liked knowing she was fully covered when we were out and about)


-really tricky to get on with a newborn
-sometimes the seat was a little off (one leg higher than the other)
-the tightness of the wrap and the bunching up worried me sometimes regarding her comfort level, and it was difficult to sit with her in the wrap
-almost no head support, meaning even standing upright I always felt I had to have a hand on my baby’s head before she had head control and while she was snoozing
-often gave me back pain because getting the fit just right is tricky

I’ve looked at the Boppy wrap carrier and it seems to be a nice hybrid, but it looks kind of bulky. What are y’all using that you love?
@michaelthiessen A woven wrap or a mehdai/half buckle should meet the criteria for carrying both a newborn and your older kid. The mehdai/half buckle needs to be adjusted in the panel every time you switch between the two kids. The woven wrap is tied after you put the kid in. Non of these has outward facing but that doesn't matter since you can hip carry (when good head control) or high back carry (when good head control). Back carry is a bit more challenging in the woven wrap than in the half buckle.

It's great that you could use the k'tan for so long. Usually it only lasts for a couple of weeks because of the stretchy material. You could definitely use the k'tan again for the newborn. Maybe post a fit check. Your description sounds like you could have had a better fit with some minor tweaks (that aren't obvious for most first time wearers).
@michaelthiessen Of course they're more expensive. They're woven so it's more work. The fabric is better quality and it'll last longer...

Lenny lamb, didymos come to mind as some of the great quality brands but not the most expensive. Look for second hand ones. I've had two cheap Amazon mehdais and they sucked.