Work call 9:00 pm it’s Friday night


New member
Do you answer?

I did I was actually napping after dinner though, awesome thunderstorm sleep, we don’t have the kids this week, they are with my parents.

This could have been a text or email to answer. Nothing emergency. I thought something was seriously wrong. She called my work, then my personal line.

Husband said I am setting a precedent for calling whenever.

  1. I would not have answered. There is no reason a coworker has an emergency they need you for, unless you are close friends
  2. Block her number on your personal line and never answer the work line past your boundary time
  3. Tell her you only answered because you had been asleep and thought it was an emergency, but you will not answer her calls past x time in the future and she can send you an email. No, not a text either. An email, that you will check during working hours
Your husband is right, best to set expectations and boundaries now with this person. They do not own you or get to impede on your personal life for any reason. I would have personally gotten very angry verbally with this person if I answered her call for what turned out to be a work related BS thing.
@whisper123 I would answer, because my job wouldn’t call me so late unless it really was an emergency. If someone called over something that could just be handled the next business day, I’d ask them not to do that again.
@whisper123 I’d let them leave a message and see what they say in the message. I’d call back if it was an emergency but otherwise I would ignore it until Monday.

ETA: my husband would answer a work call but that’s why he’s paid a very generous salary: to be available 24/7.
@whisper123 I would not answer. When my work day stops so does my phone. I would have let them leave a message or text, listened/read the message and then decided if it was important enough to call them back or if it could wait until the next day.
@whisper123 Depends on what you do and the expectations of your role. I bill hours for a living, so I am basically always on call and get paid to be very responsive, so yes, I would answer.