Ex’s new husband apparently has some road rage and a penchance towards cursing.
The kids have told me this much.
Apparently, he tells his bio kid to “shut up”, and my son (my kids are 10, 7, 6, and his is 5) claims he’s been told to “shut up” before, perhaps a couple times.
Mom and I don’t get along too well and keep communication to a minimum. She did bring up a concern about my wife’s 8-year-old sister apparently holding my 6-year-old’s arm to keep her from grabbing a marker of hers without asking, and expressed she was concerned about the age/size difference, but no marks or anything of note, so it was the first time I’d heard this had happened as they get along great and neither kid has any behavioral issues.
Should I bring up my concern about words used in my ex’s household by her husband?
1.5 years divorced, 2 years separated.
My youngest (6) also told me she’s scared “he’s hurting Mommy in her feelings” bc she cries.
Not sure what to do here, or how to address this without direct defensive opposition.
Email I just made to myself to document:
January 7, 2024
6 girl: Scared he’s hurting mommy in her feelings as mommy cried
7 boy: has told boy and tells his bio daughter to shut up a few times
Girl/boy: husband curses and has road rage. Cursed around them often.
Boy: “Some nights I hear Mommy and husband fighting and yelling.”
Boy: Yelled at and scared. Mommy told husband not to yell at him and said he could eat.
Boy: Yells at him a lot. When asks for food, he gets very mad.
Boy/girl: I love how you and Emma don’t yell or get mad at each other. Mommy and Brandon yell a lot.
Boy: husband would spank. Whipped with hand and wooden spoon. “Mommy promised no more spankings.”
The kids have told me this much.
Apparently, he tells his bio kid to “shut up”, and my son (my kids are 10, 7, 6, and his is 5) claims he’s been told to “shut up” before, perhaps a couple times.
Mom and I don’t get along too well and keep communication to a minimum. She did bring up a concern about my wife’s 8-year-old sister apparently holding my 6-year-old’s arm to keep her from grabbing a marker of hers without asking, and expressed she was concerned about the age/size difference, but no marks or anything of note, so it was the first time I’d heard this had happened as they get along great and neither kid has any behavioral issues.
Should I bring up my concern about words used in my ex’s household by her husband?
1.5 years divorced, 2 years separated.
My youngest (6) also told me she’s scared “he’s hurting Mommy in her feelings” bc she cries.
Not sure what to do here, or how to address this without direct defensive opposition.
Email I just made to myself to document:
January 7, 2024
6 girl: Scared he’s hurting mommy in her feelings as mommy cried
7 boy: has told boy and tells his bio daughter to shut up a few times
Girl/boy: husband curses and has road rage. Cursed around them often.
Boy: “Some nights I hear Mommy and husband fighting and yelling.”
Boy: Yelled at and scared. Mommy told husband not to yell at him and said he could eat.
Boy: Yells at him a lot. When asks for food, he gets very mad.
Boy/girl: I love how you and Emma don’t yell or get mad at each other. Mommy and Brandon yell a lot.
Boy: husband would spank. Whipped with hand and wooden spoon. “Mommy promised no more spankings.”