Wits end with poop withholding


New member
For the past 6 months my 2 y/o only poops every 5-7 days. She moans in pain for hours on end because she has to go but won’t let it out. This is usually our “evening activity”on days 4-5 and the “daily activity” on day 6-7 if she holds long enough. She’s been on Miralax for over a month and isn’t constipated by any means. Yet, she still won’t poop. I’ve spent the past 4 days potty training hoping that might help, yet here I am lying in her bed rubbing her back because she can’t sleep because she has to poop but won’t. I’ve tried ignoring it and just letting her move past the issue herself to no avail. I’ve tried encouraging her to poop with a lot of positive reinforcement and reassurance she is in a safe place but that also did nothing. No matter what I try, nothing seems to help. I’m 7 months pregnant, exhausted, and have 0 patience for this anymore. Im having a harder time keeping my cool about it and I know that’s going to make matters worse. I’m just so so so so so frustrated. JUST POOP ALREADY!
@realsam2 She is constipated because she holds it. Keep up with the miralax, however fiber is only as good as the amount of fluids she drinks. She probably waits so long that it’s uncomfortable to go, so now she associates it with being uncomfortable. Keeping her stool as soft as possible so it’s harder to hold and more comfortable to release is key.

I give mine Miralax gummies. The powder form is best because it’s delivered with fluids but if I were you I’d start giving both.
@realsam2 I feel you. I’ve got a 2 year old son who loves to hold in his poop. It took us about 4 months of Miralax where his poop consistency was like apple sauce for him to lose his insane fear of pooping. He still struggles with it but it’s gotten a lot better. Just wanted to share how long it took us to get over that mental fear. I also want to share a funny trick. If he’s on like day 3 of not going and I can tell he’s holding it in I take him to Barnes and Noble and he poops within 5 minutes. Haha! That place is magic.
@realsam2 Yes! Lmk how it goes. I also wanted to share that I’d probably keep her in diapers until she gets over the mental fear. I feel like if she’s already scared to poop in a diaper then asking her to go in a potty would be even more terrifying. That’s just what I’m gathering from your post anyways. I also would not do a suppository unless it’s a dire situation. We tried once and it made the whole situation even worse because it’s a bit traumatic. Good luck!
@realsam2 Can you up the meds so she has to go? Ours didn’t want to do it in a potty for a long while. He’s only just doing them there now. Used to pop a nappy on for poops. And also suffers from constipation so has to take meds
@realsam2 Had a similar situation with my daughter over a year ago. I was losing my mind. Finally used suppositories which came with a lot of tears but after using them a few times she never looked back. Good luck! It will get better.