Will my short cycle make TTC hard?


New member
I’m booking an appointment with my GP soon as we will be TTC in January, but just wanted some anecdotes in the meantime. I have what is considered a short cycle, 23 days. I also have a tilted cervix, which makes BD uncomfortable and a bit painful 5-7 days after period ends and 3-5 days before it starts. Unfortunately my fertile days seem to land within the first week after my period ends… anyone else have this unfortunate cycle?
@kimanje I'm in the same boat with my cycle length averaging 22-24 days, and was also a little concerned. I bought ovulation test strips, and found I ovulate a little earlier than average (CD 11/12). That gives me that 10-12 days from ovulation until next period starting, so it put me at ease.
@katrina2017 It's a good idea to see a doctor if you have specific health concerns, but most people don't need to see a GP before TTC. I told my GP at my annual that I was planning to try soon, and she told me to take a prenatal, get a flu shot, and call her when I was pregnant.
@katrina2017 I’m only going because we had to wean me off medication that is unsafe for pregnancy and breastfeeding so he wants to check how I’m doing, plus I do regular bloods to ensure my levels are good since I have some issues with iron and B12. It’s not entirely necessary, I think most GP’s will just tell you to get off bc, start prenatal and come back when you get a positive test or if there’s no positive after 12 months.

It’s a good idea to go if you need to update your vaccines, have concerns about any medication you may be on or just have some questions.
@kimanje Vitex lengthens your cycle. It’s not for everyone - PLEASE do your research and speak with your doctor 🙏🏽 If you’re into natural products take maca root. It has plenty of benefits and has helped regulate my cycles.

You can use a fertility monitor (like inito or Mira) to time sex “perfectly” so that you don’t have to overdo it during your fertile due to pain. I have a retroverted uterus and have pain at times too 😣 You’ll be able to catch the start of your LH surge as well as confirm ovulation.

See (mon my chart from last cycle the day after LH surge (purple) is ovulation and the (blue) line is progesterone. This is my first cycle with natural “high” progesterone since I started supplementing. I didn’t know it was low until I started using inito this year.

my inito chart