Will a terrible sleeper ever get better


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TL;DR: 2 year old won't sleep, CIO doesn't work.

My son is just a little over 2 (turned at the end of July) and has never been the best sleeper. Up until 6 months old, he slept from 8:30-12:30 (with random 10:30 wakings) would eat/nurse, go back to sleep in bassinet, wake up between 2-4 nurse and co-sleep till about 6:30-7. He got the croup and had issues laying down to sleep in bassinet and his pack n play and started co-sleeping more at this point. He would still typically go down around 9 but his wake ups would be every 2-3 hours instead of 4. When I asked the doctor about it at his 9 month appointment, she suggested CIO. We tried this for several different times and ended up with the only times he has ever vomited and so many icky poopy diapers. We had a few nights around 18 months that he started sleeping through the night if we put him directly in our bed. He had outgrown the pack-n-play and we were waiting for him to sleep through the night before we moved him to his room which is upstairs and across the house. We got his room ready, converted his crib into a toddler bed, and he did great for the first few weeks. Some days he is down from 9:30-2 and I'm able to either bring him downstairs to our bed or sleep in the floor next to him to get him to go back to sleep. Sometimes even sleeping on the floor doesn't work and I have to bring him downstairs if either of us want to sleep. One night last week, he turned down the sound monitor that is above my head and I didn't hear him when he woke up. Our dogs woke me up sometime after 3 and when I went to give them water heard him screaming and knocking on his door. I went through our video feed later and found he had been crying for over an hour and a half.

The past two nights that I've laid him down he has instantly woken up, I've let him cry for about 30-45 minutes or until he gets out of his bed, go soothe him, get him back to sleep, and the process starts all over again with the same amount of time, possibly having a sick poop, and waking up as soon as he is laid down or not going to sleep even if I'm laying in the floor with my arms around his legs. He did fall asleep last night from 11 p-12:30 am after crying, getting benadryl, and tylenol. I'm really at my whits end at this point. When I've talked to the doctor about his sleep, she tells me to CIO, when I've posted in other forums I've gotten the same answer and it seems like there should be something other than CIO to get the kid to sleep.
@andromeda00 We hired a sleep consultant when our eldest was 9 months old. She assessed what was going on and then gave us a written plan. CIO is certainly part of it but there are different ways to implement other than just letting the kid cry for hours on end (if that's what he would do). Then, depending on how our daughter responded, the consultant adjusted the plan accordingly or just gave us encouragement to keep going. It definitely helps to have an outside party involved!
@littlestar777 You mentioned "icky poopy diapers" and "sick poop". Is he having diarrhea? I've heard of toddlers who cry until they vomit, but I've never heard of any who are able to make themselves have diarrhea. Maybe poop out one normal stool, but that's it.

If it is actual loose stools or diarrhea, please see the doctor again. It may be some kind of gastrointestinal issue or food intolerance that is bugging him.