Why should I even bother exercising and counting calories? (Breastfeeding, 3 months pp)

@rejisamuel Sounds like you are building muscle while losing fat. Muscle weights more than fat. Be patient and kind to yourself! You are doing THE RIGHT THINGS!! I am in a similar path! Solidarity!!
@rejisamuel I’ve also heard numerous times of women not losing weight till after they stopped BF. My pelvic floor PT just told me that women who BF tend to hold onto more weight. Even though the common misconception is that women will lose weight while BF. Give yourself some grace 3 months is still early. I would personally get my thyroid checked. You know your body best and if what used to work isn’t working before maybe there is something else going on with your body.
@rejisamuel I am almost three months postpartum, and my goal is movement everyday and mental health. Do I want my banging body back? Of course! But the stress isn’t worth it to me right now.

I don’t count calories or restrict eating, I just try to get enough protein at meals and snack on fruits and vegetables. I have no idea what weigh.
@rejisamuel I’m 9 weeks PP after baby #2 and EBF and I know from experience after #1 that I don’t lose any weight until I start to introduce solids. My body just holds onto the weight those months to make that good, fattening breastmilk. I work out starting 6 weeks PP and I count calories, but I can’t reduce caloric intake too much without affecting my milk supply, so I eat slightly below maintenance. My joints also feel wrecked. Keep in mind your body still produces relaxing while breastfeeding so you do still have to take it easy working out. I didn’t really feel like myself again and get back to my pre baby weight until 18 mos. PP when I weaned #1. I knew we wanted to try for #2 but I still made it a priority to get back to my normal weight and regain my endurance. It didn’t take long once I was done breastfeeding. Honestly it made my second pregnancy and delivery easier- plus you’re chasing around a toddler while pregnant, so it’s easier to do that if you are in your best shape possible. I would not want to go into another pregnancy while still trying to recover from the first- it seems to me the next pregnancy would be more difficult when starting with extra weight.

I am expecting the same this time around PP and am trying to keep in mind that this weight is necessary for my baby right now and it will go away (with effort) once I’m done breastfeeding. I’m still going to keep my body physically fit in the meantime so that way the pounds can just melt off when I’m not EBF.
@rejisamuel I gave up trying to lose while breastfeeding. I still did regular walking every day and yoga. My appetite wasn’t that significant so I just ate as normal. I’m about 35lbs overweight. Once I stopped breastfeeding and period came back I’ve now started calorie counting and upping my exercise. I hike with baby on my back, play volleyball and soccer now (starting slow), and the scale just started to budge. I’ve been able to get about 9lbs off in the last month. But still a ways to go. It hasn’t been easy and certainly it’s not “melting off” by any means, but finally I’m starting to see some results for my efforts.
@rejisamuel 4 months postpartum & you are not alone. I gained 60 lbs during pregnancy. & I was up 20lbs in a year when I got pregnant. The buying clothes part is draining mentally & of my bank account. I don’t really have any advice other than you aren’t alone & I can relate ❤️ movement I think makes me feel good but if counting calories isn’t good for your mental I would drop it for now. Keep your head up!
@rejisamuel I’m a little ahead of you at 4.5 months postpartum. I started working out at about 8 weeks postpartum and easing into running around 12 weeks postpartum.

The scale hasn’t moved a ton but I’ve definitely firmed up and lost a couple of inches around my waist and thighs. My back doesn’t hurt from carrying kids all day as it’s stronger. I don’t get out of breath chasing my toddler. And mentally I feel way better and I’m a more calm parent the weeks that I am active.

My hope is when I quit breastfeeding and continue my workouts the weight will come off then. So right now I’m focusing on building a good baseline. We will get there!
@rejisamuel I am also 3 months postoartum today. I lost about 20 puns in the first 10 days PP and need to lose another 20 to be at my prepartum weight (I was fi5 skinny before pregnancy). Your journey seems a lot like mine.

I started weight training and core exercises due to my DR 4 weeks PP. I walk each day 5K plus random strolling. I am eating clean cca 2000 calories per day. I don't eat past 19 a.m. I take my vitamins and magnesium in the evening.

This is my second PP journey and in my first one I lost most weight in 5 months PP amd the last stubborn 8 pounds 7 monthy PP. The difference was though that 1.my first baby didn't breastfeed that much and I was combining BF with artificial milk while my second baby breastfeeds every 1.5hour, 2. my first baby slept through the night quite fast while the second one wakes 3-5 times.

I am currently in the same boat as you. But we should not give up! My strategy is to start with solids at 4 months and hopefully my baby will like it..then slowly wean up to 6 months.

I am a bit annoyed that summer is around the corner and I will be fat during summer but there is no point in contemplating this. I bought some wide dresses and I will try to hide my body in bikini with overdresses. Better times shall come..