wHy iS yOuR bAbY cRyInG?!?


New member
“…Because people are asking me stupid questions while I try to soothe him”

Any other stupid questions that really get annoying?
@airel Older extended family at the Christmas party who have never met my child and don’t say hello to my child but try to tickle him and then are shocked when he takes a swing at them: “what’s wrong with your kid?”

I don’t know, great-aunt Fuckface, maybe it’s that he has every reason to believe you’re a whack job.
@httx Omg my MIL is obsessed with my kid being autistic. 'She doesn't want to cuddle all the time!' 'Isn't comfortable with me around.' Like seriously? You've seen her once this month! She of course wants her dad/mom
@sometimesthewolf My MIL has cats. Like 15 of them. Her house smells, she smells. She douses herself in perfume to mask it. But it doesn't. It just smells like perfume covered cat piss. Whenever she comes into our house my son immediately starts crying and she can't figure out why.
@httx Man sign me up for this one!! Extended family meets him for the first time and wants to come in hot as fuck OMG HE SO CUTE LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS COME HERE SWEETNESS [insert my sons triggered defense mechanism snd screaming]

....well nevermind I guess...not to social huh
@httx Some of our family pulled that "why won't he give us a hug, we're his family" shit with my teenager the first time they met him, Christ, maybe because he's literally never seen you before in his life and doesn't want to.
@httx Ugh, hate this. My mom's side of the family is very loving but they have bad boundaries and the older ones act like they have every right to smother the kids in hugs and kisses and the kids should just like it.

I've started running interference between them, asking the kids "do you want a hug from great aunt Linda or do you want a high five?"

If they want to be hugged, tickled, or whatever, you'll know it, and if they don't then back off
@bigoink high five is the best barrier to this. my wife is HUGE on the 'he doesnt have to hug if he doesnt want to'. which is great, i agree with it. i have a found the 'give X a high five' to be the easiest cop out.
@httx Lol this happened to us recently (sorry for wall of text, I like to give details) - we had a birthday party for my (step)grandmother’s 80th, and my stepdad’s uncle was invited and showed up. I grew up with the guy and he’s great and very nice, but his wife (my stepdad’s biological aunt) passed away in 2014, so he hasn’t been around as much as he’s moved on. He came up to my daughters at the party (literally second time he’s seen the older two and first for the youngest) and said “before we leave tonight I’m gonna bop you right in the nose.” I knew he was being goofy and there was no harm but my kids were a little….concerned lol
@dickvep We lucked out with the baby sleeping through the night starting at 8 weeks, but still just a bad question to ask.. either the baby is, in which case there’s not an easy segue into another topic anyway, or the baby isn’t and you’re just like “oh that stinks”