Why is overworking a flex?

@christianisaac No kidding! I’d prefer to spend my Friday afternoons reorganizing my priorities for next week, empty my inbox and finish easy deliverables. Nothing that requires too much of my brain!
@atlkate I just gave feedback to our CEO about this. She scheduled a company wide meeting that infringed on an entire time zones early Friday. It sends a message that the words don't matter and neither does their time.
@atlkate I'm sure overworking is seen by a flex by the people who do it because, intentionally or subconsciously, they're jealous of people who choose to do less work and find happiness in that. They then surround themselves with an echo chamber of folks like them and they get to be pretty loud about their pride in "hard work" since that's also a value that Americans have been taught is like gold. Sometimes when I feel bad about myself about not working harder, I like to take a minute and think "is my worry valid or am I slipping into the cult/addiction of hustle culture?" And then I work from there :) I hope that hustle culture people will eventually find a way to be content outside of the hustle culture. No one deserves to feel the way they probably do when they're not meeting their own standards.
@atlkate My company has Summer Fridays but people don’t have to work extra hours M-Th to make up for it. That said, the rule is that Summer Fridays aren’t an excuse not to finish a deliverable and you cannot turn refuse client meetings. I manage a team of 14 and some people really take advantage - block off calendars and sign off promptly at noon claiming that they’re allowed an hour for lunch and then their Summer Friday begins at 1pm. Or decline an important client meeting. It’s my job to make sure people aren’t misusing a perk that can get taken away. I don’t love doing it.
@atlkate My team will literally wait for me to leave some days. I know they do this, so I always make a big production of packing up my stuff. Sometimes I can get them to just leave with me, sometimes they wait like goobers. I have a very full calendar and I've learned that no is a whole sentence. Try to book a meeting while I'm taking my toddler to gymnastics? Declined. Meetings while I'm trying to leave early? No, try again next week. Once my boss two levels above me texted me asking for something and I told him sure, but not for another few hours because I was at soccer practice. My leadership knows I have a personal life, and if you set firm expectations they'll understand.
@atlkate If I had this kind of thing, I'd schedule well child visits and dentist appointments during this time to save on sick time or PTO or whatever you get. Everyone with small kids can always use more time off for things like that. Would they expect you to cancel them? Dentists in my area have year long waiting lists. If also be angry and looking for a new job soon.
@mbl92212 I’m mostly just venting about how many people schedule meetings in that block… it’s just so weird to me why would you want to ignore such a nice perk, ya know?
@atlkate We have a production call every friday. Ive made it to 1... thats 1 of my 2 days off. My upper manager has jokingly said im dodging him, but i told him he can change the day... lol. I sacrifice enough time with my family. The call is also "new" so my days off were already set like this. My upper manager also visits my store every friday. I usually make sure he has his favorite snacks. Luckily they all have kids and my assistant does an amazing job. Can you delegate any of the work load? Block off your calendar?
@atlkate I have an idea!

My dad had been missing lunch at his job because there were too many meetings… so his boss scheduled a daily meeting with his whole team (my dad included) every day at 1:00

If they have something to discuss they use that slot, but if not, they use it as a bonus space for lunch and a little break

If you’re management, you can schedule a weekly meeting with your team every Friday afternoon, but let them know this is your way of making sure they are getting they’re summer Friday (and so will you!)