When to try for a second?

I have a 7 month old and will be turning 40 next week. We thought we were one and done but are considering having another baby. My doctor said she usually recommends waiting at least 18 months between pregnancies but because of my age I can start trying when I’m 1 year postpartum. I had an emergency c-section and still having issues related to pelvic floor pain and pain with my scar so I’m not looking to get pregnant so soon. We are thinking of waiting to try again next January but I’m concerned I’ll miss my opportunity for a second child. I got pregnant the first time around from missing a few BC pills (a happy accident). I’m just not so sure it will be this easy for baby #2. I know it’s almost impossible to know, just looking for other mom’s experiences!
@scrooge_mac_duck I don't have any advice, but I'm following because in the same boat as you! Over 35 and had my first a few months ago via c-section as well. My doctor told me to wait 18 months as well, and I understand why and am not trying to negate what I've been told. I just worry about running out of time. Anyway, I'm with you and sending you virtual healing and good health vibes!
@scrooge_mac_duck I’m 40 and my first is 8mo. We aren’t doing anything to prevent a second right now, though I want another one more than my husband does. I’m not going to wait the 18mo that is recommended between babies, if I can help it.
@scrooge_mac_duck Had my first at 35, got pregnant when I was 6 months PP with my second, waited 1.5 years after him and now pregnant with my third at 38 (will be 39 at delivery). Want a fourth so will probably try to get pregnant 6 months PP (I’ll be 39.5) and deliver when I’m 40. For me it’s a factor of age/increased risk but also the number of years I’ll have with my kids as they get older so it’s a balance of those two in my head.
@jack871 Yes, the amount of time I will have with them is a big factor for me as well. I think if we don’t get pregnant after trying for a certain amount of time we will learn to be content with one. My husband just turned 43.
@scrooge_mac_duck 2 doctors (ob and fertility) told me I was most fertile within a year of giving birth so would have the best luck then. Wish I listened to them. I would not wait. If I were I would start trying now.
@scrooge_mac_duck I once heard “you only regret the kids you don’t have.”
And I’m 100% in the same boat. 11 month old and I’m 38, hubs is 40 and we are talking about another.
I will say I am going to ask for a pelvic floor therapist referral next time I see my OBGYN. I really want to strengthen it as much as possible before going for another.
@scrooge_mac_duck My OB said you should wait at least 1 year to try. However, my fertility specialist said 6 months is enough time. So my second and third are a little less than 18 months apart. I had no problems with my third pregnancy.