When to stop ab specific exercises?


New member
Hi all. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my third. This is my first pregnancy though where my goal is to consistently stay active/work out. I currently work out 5-6 days a week — a combo of strength training and HIIT in a group setting, and running.

I know my gym will provide me with modifications of exercises as I get further along and feel I need them. My question though is when I should stop doing ab specific exercises (crunches, V ups, etc.). They’re not uncomfortable right now, but I don’t want to be increasing my likelihood of DR. I’m not sure if I had DR with my other two pregnancies. I’m on the taller side if that matters.

I just feel sort of clueless being pregnant and working out, and am looking for others experiences 😊
@hisongswilast I went to a pelvic floor physiotherapist to ask these questions since they would know more than drs.
The response I got was keep your abs strength up as long as possible and any ab exercise is perfectly okay as long as you don’t experience coning. Pregnant women are told not to lay on their backs past the first trimester due to an artery that can be slightly squished due to the weight of the uterus but if this happens then you’ll know and lay on your left side until it passes (2-3 mins).
I’m 28 weeks now and still able to do all core exercises without coning but I’d recommend everyone see a pelvic floor physiotherapist for answers specific to your body and needs!
@hisongswilast My pelvic floor PT just said to stop when I start to notice any "coning" which for me was at 32 weeks. Before then I was continuing to do planks and push ups on my knees.
@matthewfuh I feel like I experienced coning even not pregnant? It’s always occurred when doing leg lifts, for example. I hope I haven’t already done too much this pregnancy.
@yaypraisegod Coning can occur outside of pregnancy too! Basically coning happens when you engage the surface of your core, but don't engage deep core. An easy way to make sure your deep-core is engaged is to slow down your movement and kind of act like your zipping yourself into a tight corset. For me this is a combination of checking my posture, doing a kegal, and almost sucking in like I'm taking a picture.
@matthewfuh Wow 32 weeks!! That’s amazing. I’m worried I noticed coning when I was doing ab exercises Saturday which prompted me to post here today. I thought it felt early? But really had no clue. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s my third time being pregnant, or what 😕
@hisongswilast I started noticing coning early on too. I think around 15-16 weeks. But it wasn’t for all exercises! The coning happened early with most crunching motions when on my back, but I still could prevent that when I did the same exercises propped up on my elbows (and still can for the most part!).

I also didn’t start coning for planks until 25-26 weeks, but I still can do a bear hold and short-spurt planks (10-15 seconds).

So I think it also depends on the exercise too! Having to stop one doesn’t mean you can stop all.
@hisongswilast It can happen at any point. This is my first pregnancy so that's probably why it's taken so long for me. I'm still trusting that whatever core happens in my prenatal peloton videos is safe. So all core is not totally off the table in my opinion.
@hisongswilast I stopped doing most oblique exercises in Solid Core (variation of Pilates) classes around 12 weeks. I’m 19w and still do center core and standing obliques. I don’t do any bridge poses for chest exercises because it feels odd to me. I will stop if and when the class becomes uncomfortable or painful for me. For now, it’s fine! Perspective, I was previously doing Solid Core 2-3x week plus 3 Peloton cycling classes/week. I’m now SC 1/ week and Peloton 2-3/week. Mostly because work picked up.
@yaypraisegod I do too and joined the sub just now for this reason!! I am 19 weeks and no way I could do v-ups. I did bird dogs 🤷‍♀️ I struggled with the core conditioning class last week too.
@wicamper I skipped out on the core class last week. I probably will the rest of my pregnancy. My membership ends in August, and I’m due in November. I probably won’t renew until after I have the baby and am ready to workout again.