When to expect “firsts”


New member
I’m a FTM of a 5 week old, and I’m wondering when did y’all’s babies first starting smiling at you, or laughing? My baby app told me that at 5 weeks my baby “should” start smiling at us, but right now he only smiles when he’s sleeping, and I was just wondering what everyone else’s experiences have been! I’m just so excited to get that first smile and laugh from him, I’m impatient
@linley Keep in mind milestones are just an average. You’ll have some babies doing it at 4 weeks and some doing it at 7-8 weeks. All three of my kids were probably closer to 6-7 weeks. Smile comes first, laugh is definitely later.
@linley First smile was at 7 weeks, but he didn't start smiling consistently until around 10/11 weeks. First laugh was at 15.5 weeks. I noticed that he smiled and laughed in his sleep starting a couple weeks before he did it while awake, so it sounds like your LO might be ready to break out the skill soon!
@linley My baby has been smiling at us since week 2. She’s a really smiley baby. I think that these milestones are just estimates and everyone’s different!