When to come off the pill


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Hi, new to this sub but finding it very helpful!

I (F 27) and my husband (M 30) are WTT, aiming to be TTC around winter 2024. I have been on the pill since I was around 15 (the three-week pill for a lot of that time but progesterone only the last couple of years). I get irregular bleeding and have throughout my time on the pill and had very heavy and long periods that were sometimes irregular before that (albeit, when I was 14/15).

I was planning on coming off my pill in August to try to find a regular cycle before TTC, but not sure if the irregular bleeding I’m currently having (which obviously isn’t a proper period) might be a sign of issues and I should come off it sooner? Any advice/experience would be appreciated!
@eniya I was on progesterone only for like 8-9 years with the combo pills for a year or two before that and just stopped taking it the end of December for similar reasons of irregular periods. My thought process is that it helps to try to get as regular as possible and have hormones regulate before TTC so it was kind of a second reason to stop it. But my main reason for stopping it was the irregularity and being on it for so long 😳
@ysam44 This is part of my thinking! I just know it’s such a big change for my body after being on it since I was so young (suggested to regulate my period and control the pain). Hope it’s going well so far!
@eniya Hey there! First things first, talk to your doctor. We don’t know anything about what you’re on, dosage changes, your body, etc.

With that out of the way, I had a similar issue last year. My pharmacy tried to switch me to a different generic due to a shortage and it caused all kinds of fuck ups with my cycle. In September, I decided to come off rather than waiting for my body to adjust back to the old one. We were planning on trying in December anyway (at the time), and my doc had suggested I come off at least three months before trying so my body had time to adjust.

Happy to report that my cycle is back to normal. I did OPK to gauge if my ovulation was back and to help more accurately predict my periods. I was ovulating again within the first month. My cycle was about 40 days the first month and has started to wind down to about 29 days now. I lean towards coming off sooner since you’re trying so soon - the more info you have upfront about your body, the better in my opinion.

Best of luck!!
@lifesprophet Thanks for this! I’m glad to hear yours didn’t take long and I’m praying I’m in the same boat when the time comes.

It’s quite hard to actually see a doctor or nurse where I live and I usually get told there are no appointments so I’m hoping to discuss it in the coming weeks if I can get in!
@eniya I was worried it wouldn’t. I had been on birth control for the past 12 years and wasn’t sure what kinds of issues may unfold. Besides some unwanted boob shrinkage, all has been well! Every body is a bit different.

I was able to just do an email exchange with my doc. They didn’t even need to see me in person, but I’m not sure how your healthcare system works.
@eniya TW: Grad

Yes, consult with your doctor! I'll share my short and sweet experience, though. I had been on the pill for 5 years. We eventually decided to NTNP. I came off the pill and got pregnant the same month. I thought my body would need time to regulate, but apparently not. I definitely think it's worth going off the pill beforehand to know when you ovulate typically and to regulate your hormones again before getting pregnant! I'm personally too scared to go off early when we're ready next time, knowing what I know now lol
@eniya TW: Grad
Talk to your doctor and partner. We had the conversation of “BC is 99% effective yaddah yaddah what would we do if we got pregnant at this stage?” About 3 years into dating. We both agreed that we would keep it. I went of depo and onto the ring in Nov 2022 and I should have just stopped all together. My only hang up was we were getting married and honeymooning in Europe in 2023 and I didn’t want to be restricted on what I ate and drank. So I waited until just before the wedding in September to go off it. My cycles were wonky before so I def should have taken more time for my body to relearn how to do its thing. We are having fun with the baby making part but everything else like tww etc, not so much. So if your doc says you’re good and your partner is okay with a potential slip up maybe a little earlier than you planned then I would say go off it asap.
@blackfriar Thanks for your reply and sharing your experience! I’ve already discussed this with my husband - it’s just hard getting to see a doctor or nurse so I’m trying to get my head round it first. I’m leaning towards earlier but maybe only slightly earlier than planned for a good balance. Wish there was an exact science to be sure of when it would come back!
@eniya I went off it in early Dec, I've been through one natural cycle and it was weird, and I could tell my hormones were a bit all over the place. I started taking prenatals when I came off it too.

We're using condoms for the next cycle, and will start TTC after that (late Feb).

I know four people who got pregnant immediately after getting off the pill, but personally I feel better letting my body sort itself out a little bit and have the prenatals going.

If you're worried you need longer then I'd say come off them and use condoms instead. I would have come off earlier myself except I didn't want my period for my wedding or honeymoon 😂
@eniya Talk to your doctor. But I got off in 2022 and I’m about to start trying to conceive. I felt it was really necessary for me to come off and take prenatals. The goal was to wait 6 months, but life happened and it turned to almost 2 years. But 2 years of taking prenatals!!! Talk to your doc but getting off now wouldn’t be a bad idea!
@will009 Thanks for sharing this! I’ll definitely be talking to a doctor if I can (very hard to be seen at all at the moment). I was thinking of starting prenatals a couple of months before TTC but maybe this is something I should also consider doing sooner.
@eniya You can always get off it in advance and just use condoms until you’re ready. It’s really not a big deal, my husband was happy to do that instead of make me go through the hormones. Been off 2 years because I was getting headaches, it’s nice to be regular with no hormonal interference.

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