When did your breast stop growing on BC?


New member
Hello! First timer of BC here.

About 1,5 months ago I started taking yazmin-28, I haven't had much side effects aside from breast growth, my size has gone from a C-cup to a DD/E-cup within this time. Aside from it feeling uncomfortable and a bit painful it's not too bad, but I cannot use my regular bras anymore and need to get a new one... I haven't gotten a proper well fitted bra before but since my breast literally feel like they're going to explode I went to an actual lingerie shop to find one in the correct size, but they're very expensive for a student like me, and hence I'm not too keen on investing in one if it will be too small in a month.

So my question is, did the growth slow down for you and if so, when? At this point they feel bigger everyday and it's getting very uncomfortable without proper support. Thank you for the response.