What things should I discuss with the father of my child before going full no-contact?

@elifrye I agree with the others. Get it in writing legally, that he doesn’t want to be there. I have read and seen to many stories of women in the same situation, then a few months after the baby, or even years later, they came trying to get visitations. One lady’s son was two when his father came around, not only wanting to see him but wanted custody because she was transferring. Better to be safe than sorry because legally at anytime he can take your child and the police can’t do anything about it because there is no legal documents. I saw this up close and personal. Good luck and congratulations
@elifrye Not sure if someone else has already mentioned it, but a coparenting app is very helpful. If he’s going to be involved when the kid comes, you won’t be able to be full no contact. You’ll need to be able to communicate about childcare, illnesses, drop offs and pick ups, and more
@elifrye Are you looking for reasons to talk to him still or secretly hoping somehow he will come back into your life and be more involved than he wants to be? I would make him sign over his rights and forfeit child support. He doesn't want anything to do with you or the baby so make sure he can't try to show up in your life again when it's inconvenient for you and your child years down the line. Ask him if that's what he wants. But it seems like you're holding on

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