What I've eaten today...

@kxl Cinnamon rolls and cicis pizza so far. And by cinnamon rolls i mean 3/5 of the whole batch and by cicis pizza i mean two of everything. I should be getting hungry soon
@love0707 I'm Soooo jelly. They keep having commercials for cicis but they don't have'm around here. Endless pizza is exactly what I need in mah life...
@kxl Ill take one of what everyone had today! I had an english muffin with butter for breakfast. For lunch I had 1/4 of my bowl of spaghetti and a few pieces of popcorn : /
@kxl Iced coffee this morning, and a tuna sub on sour dough for lunch. Right now I have chicken roasting in the oven, with Brussel's sprouts, and baked beans made with Grandma's molasses. Nom.
@kxl Yay! I love reading about what everyone is eating it makes me so happy and I don't know why. I think it should be a daily thread like the bumps and discussion. Oh man i ate so much yesterday I can't even remember it all but i know it involved nachos and donuts.
Today I've eaten an English muffin with apples and grapes. Then felt super sick for 2hrs so I ate pretzel rods and for lunch had a super greasy pepperoni pizza, a left over Bavarian cream donut, a peach, then hubs made steak for tacos for dinner (TIL pico now tastes like ammonia to me), a pork tamale, and then Just had a bed time hotdog. Oh and a small tub of dryers drumstick ice cream. Lol I think that's it for today...
@kxl Breakfast:
Half egg white, half whole egg taco with home cooked beans, little cheese, on corn tortilla.
Hot chocolate done with the last of the milk :( and a teaspoon of baking coco (no sugar)

Morning snack:
1/4 cup orange pineapple tropical juice with seltzer water (I love my soda stream!), small handful of cashews (12 grams)

3 ryevita crisp breads, chickpea and tinned smoked salmon blended (kinda like hummus but without the extra oil or tahini).

Have a few hours to figure out afternoon snack and dinner, must buy more milk.
@kxl Aw, I haven't been hungry today, all I've had is semolina and an egg. On the upside it means I can get a nice fancy dinner and not eat weight watchers for once! :D
@kxl 4 pieces of turkey bacon for breakfast, half a turkey bacon avocado sandwich for lunch (after roller derby practice), 2 nectarines, celery w/ almond butter for snack. a roasted jalapeno & 4 bean enchiladas for dinner.
@kxl I woke up at 11 so I just started with lunch and I had hot dogs. My husband is off work in an hour and I'm making him make tuna when he gets home. I've been craving it for daaaays, but I just can't make it like he does. For dinner I want a biiiiig cob salad!
@kxl Mmm nachos are so good! We did a huge nacho bar for our friends and we ate nachos for days. This was months ago and I still don't think I could eat them!
@kxl Your meals are strangely close to mine!! This morning I had a waffle with chocolate milk. Then for lunch I had some bomb ass nachos with jalapenos. Then I had a salad. Then I had a pickle with ranch dressing. My appetite is finally back after 26 weeks of puking my guts out!