What I've eaten today...

@kxl Made two buttermilk pancakes and a fried egg each for me and the SO this morning for breakfast. For lunch, Grandma's ham and beans with cornbread. Mmmmm... :)
@kxl Woke up and made French toast (I make the best French toast), half caf coffee, quesadilla and bean burrito from t bell for lunch, probably mcds for dinner. Weekends are my crummy nutrition days lol.
@curtis697 Same. Week days are so planned out, I'm usually so good. I can't even think about yogurt on the weekends! Lol

I friggin love a good French toast. I make a BOMB French toast casserole. Mmmm might have to put that in the works for next weekend... Lol
@kxl We might have to trade recipes. I say I make the best, but I just put heavy cream, eggs, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla extract in the batter. Oh and honey usually. And you must use butter on the griddle. No oil or Pam for this girl.
@kxl I had coffee with cream and sugar this morning (my husband makes the best iced coffee for me every morning). Then I had a piece of cheesy ranch pull apart bread from last night. That really filled me up. I just walked to the Ukrainian Festival in the park and ate a bunch of pierogi. I'm stuffed! I can't seem to eat a whole lot. There's just no room in there!
@lakmedipro Lol I'm currently in the sweet spot of 19 weeks where I'm always starving and baby isn't taking up a lot of real estate, so there is room for all the junk!
@kxl I'm not quite 11 weeks. Shouldn't I have some space? I haven't had an ultrasound yet, so I'm convinced it's twins. I've also already got a little bit of a belly. It's too high to be an actual bump when you consider how early I am, but I think my uterus must be pushing things up or something. The rest of my body may even be thinner than pre-pregnancy.
@charu I seriously just ate two bites of my dinner before feeling like I was going to throw up from being so full! But hey, at least it's not the nausea I was dealing with a few days ago!
@kxl Oh food! My favourite subject right now.

Today I've had: half a package of saltines, raisin bran, peppermint tea, a donut, a plate of veggies and dip, some chips, cheese and crackers and a small bowl of the chili I made to celebrate the start of football Sundays in our house. I will have more chili for dinner. And jello and mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert.

Yeah, I'm 7 weeks pregnant. This isn't going to go well. I am at a point where if I am not eating or even slightly hungry, I'm wanting to throw up, so I keep trying to eat smallish meals. I guess I should start making them healthier...
@dwills Same here at 7+a few days . If I'm not eating I'm so so nauseas. If I eat too much I'm nauseas. It's going pretty badly already gained 4 lbs. I attribute half of that to quitting smoking cold turkey and not being able to exercise because I just want to vomit or pass out all freaking day long.
@kxl Today I had...

Brunch: pancakes, banana, blueberries

Snack: bell pepper and hummus, cheerios and milk

Dinner: black bean and spinach enchilada, cilantro lime rice

Dessert: about a half cup of coconut milk ice cream
@kxl I have eaten Boston butt on a hamburger bun with BBQ sauce, chips + French onion dip, cantaloupe, kale chips, grapes, and an egg & cheese on white sandwich! Looking forward to half a snickers almond bar later!
@kxl It's a large chunk of pork shoulder, similar to a pork loin! Slow-cooked, delicious!

Looked it up and it's called Boston because that's the first place that was cutting it that certain way :)