What is your weekend routine?


New member
Or whatever day(s) your partner has off work/together as a family. M-F I have my routine, different places we go to play/shop, chore routine, meal routine. But come the weekend I don’t have a set schedule or plan. Do you all have a routine/schedule or do you just see what everyone feels like doing? What types of things do you do weather you have a routine or not?
@crouche76 We lay in bed til my 16 month old wakes around 730. Then dad makes pancakes. They usually go outside while I clean up or sit down and breathe in the quiet. I'll start a load of laundry. Then we decide what to do with the day. That could be groceries, somewhere fun, the library, walking the dog etc. My husband works hard so we try to take it easy, plus son naps from 12 to 2 so our day is split in half.
@crouche76 No routine. The kids usually have a sport on one of Uber days. Otherwise we are either going to an event, getting caught up on a housework or project, and giving each other downtime. We usually see friends one of the nights.

Our only routine is I typically do a grocery order pickup on Sundays, meal plan, restock for the week, and we go over how our week is going to go.
@crouche76 No routine. Often we have birthday parties scheduled or in the winter we ski, but every weekend looks different. If we don’t have anything planned for the beginning of the day, we love sleeping late and staying in pajamas. My kids are currently watching cartoons in their pajamas while I enjoy my coffee, also in my pajamas. Husband is out for a jog.

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