What do you do to keep yourself sane?

@mikeytosh I try to read, do crossword puzzles, answer emails, or write in a journal when I have downtime. Sometimes I play video games. Any time I doomscroll, my mood gets worse and worse, so I try to focus on hobbies instead.
@mikeytosh Go shopping, go to the zoo, museum, make a curbside order because eff grocery shopping lol, go to a really nice outdoor mall and get lunch

All with baby in tow. It is WAY easier at that age although I wouldn’t say it’s hard now that my son is 2.
@mikeytosh Walk. I go on lots of walks. There's strolling big stores as well. 'Window shopping' is kind of fun. Every now and again get a little chit chat in with someone. I don't live near a mall, are they even a thing anymore?, but that would probably be a fun thing to do.
@mikeytosh Check Facebook and see if there are any local mom groups. My town has several, and one is specifically for in-person meetups based on the kiddos ages. They have a weekly coffee club for potatoes (non-mobile infants), crawlers, toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids. They also do monthly meetups at the zoo and various fun activities around here.

I did that for a while and found two moms who I love. I get together which each once a week or so and it makes life so much easier. We gossip and chat while the kids wreck a house.
@mikeytosh At that age my oldest was taking so many short naps all about 45 minutes each. I set up a schedule of sorts, like one chunk would be for kitchen chores, one chunk for reading, one chunk for exercise (light strength in the living room). I listen to podcasts and music most of the time and try not to get too distracted from my tasks!
@mikeytosh So many puzzles.

I do worldle, Wordle, versle, globle, globle capitals, connections, nerdle and digits (engaging data has a mirror of the old NY Times game digits) - those are the ones I send to my mum, I also do waffle, and sometimes quordle and duotritigordle.

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