What do you do during wake windows???


New member
My LO is about to be 3 months. Her wake windows currently range anywhere from 65-100 minutes right now. Now that her wake windows are getting longer I’m running out of things to do with her? I used to basically run wake windows like this:
1. Diaper change (1 min)
2. Bottle (15ish min)
3. Read a short story to let her digest a bit (3-5min)
4. Quick high contrast letter flashcards (A, B, C) (1 min)
5. Counting to 5 and Tummy time (as long as she can stand- anywhere from 5-20min)
6. Toy or high contrast card tracking time on her back (5 min)
7. Let her stare at Ceiling Fan God or Window God in her bouncer (until she shows sleepy signs)

But nowwwwww we run out of things to do before she is ready for a nap. Any other ideas or suggestions? I was so desperate today that I literally just carried her around the house and showed her things lol (literally was in the pantry like, “This is a can of tomato sauce!”) 🤣
@eugen Now that it’s getting cooler we go on hour long walks in the morning after breakfast. shes so quiet the whole time because she’s just taking it all in. We even saw a Fox!
more specifically we visit coffee shops, bookstores, restaurants, the library, the park, the grocery store… etc! whatever we feel like doing and baby comes along.
@katrina2017 Yes! Walk normally turns into sleep too, mine falls asleep within about 15 minutes every time, so then we just keep walking so he gets a solid nap out of it, good for everyone! (Except my old corgi who we have to drop off 2kms into the walk 😅)
@misslou Tours of the house.

Let her watch you while you do chores.

Switch rooms.

Play mat.

Singing songs.

Playing with the bathroom faucet.

Looking in the bathroom mirror.

Anything is an activity for a 3 month old :)
@knowthycell We moved when LO was 3 months (a month ago) and I was like “look! Fresh house to tour!” And saved a few rooms to give him something new once every few weeks 😂 (eta and by rooms I mean the very small walk-in closets and one of the three bedrooms that is used as an office.)
@poorelectron Yup! This is a great list. My 3 MO is also obsessed with the black and white cards with shapes on them. We go through them multiple times a day. 😂 We let him sit in his swing for a little bit too while I need to pee or wash bottles or eat (15-20 mins) and he loves looking at the mirror on the mobile above it. Chats to it the whole time. 😂

I sing to him (he doesn’t know I’m terrible yet), we walk around, do tummy time, do playtime on the mat or in his sit-me-up chair (he has good neck control now). Go for a walk in his jogger if the weather is nice.
@poorelectron My 3MO loooooves watching me do chores. Emptying the dishwasher. Folding laundry. Vacuuming. I took the swiffer out and she went into hyper mode kicking and huffing.