What could this sibling have been dealing with? (Sorry it’s a lot)


New member
I have a younger sibling (I’m going to keep this anonymous if I can) who needed to see a doctor for their behavior LONG ago but it never happened. I remember multiple times being in kindergarten and returning home to find they have entered my room and just thrown everything everywhere. From the ages of 6-14 years old I would have to wake them up for school and they would get mad to the point of cussing me out and hitting me for not letting them sleep. If they’re asleep you HAVE to let them sleep or else they will stay awake for hours and then go crazy throwing things because they can’t go back to sleep.Many times they went into the bathroom, locked themselves up and when they finally came out of the bathroom it was either make on the wall, clothes on the ground ruined by bleach, different things being flushed down the toilet or they took something apart to the point of not being able to put it back together again. They would wake up around 3-6 am, take something into their room, take it apart and then hide it under their bed. They would go into the fridge, mix different foods together and then hide it under the bed, they didn’t just look for their clothes in the closet they threw anything they didn’t feel like wearing on the ground. They didn’t like going to the store to buy clothes and always had problems making decisions (Even being asked what their favorite color was answered with I don’t know) so they would say yes it fits to our mom because saying yes meant they would be able to go back home faster but then in the morning they would put their arms inside their new shirt and try to stretch it out yelling that they can’t move their arms far enough it’s too tight (even though the clothes were his size). School work was always a problem because they didn’t like to read or write. If my sibling didn’t know an answer for sure they would sit there and not do it. No answer was better than risking going into an anxiety attack trying to figure it out. Simple chores were a hit and miss. If you told sibling to do a simple chore like take out the trash sometimes they would do it. Other times they would stand there and behave like he just got yelled at by 3 different people to do 3 different things at the same time which would then lead to aggressive behavior. If we told the sibling to not eat something in the fridge because it was needed for another time 9/10 times it was gone and the sibling would argue that there was nothing else to eat that was good (most of the time it wasn’t true). If I played a harmless prank like taking a fry from their plate they would react by getting mad and throwing their hamburger at my face even though they like to play the same type of pranks on me as well. They couldn’t stay in one room for too long. Most of the day was spent going into every room of the house most of the time either breaking something apart or spilling/throwing something on the floor. My mom tried every type of punishment/reward she could think of to stop all of this but it never worked.

Most of these behaviors only happened at home. Outside of the house they were way more calm it was like 2 different people. Even though they were calmer outside the home they almost always wanted to stay home.

The sibling is an adult now and most of the behavior issues are gone but there are still issues like trying to help my parents out by dumpster diving to get free stuff (it creates mess piles in the house) or not being able to do any chores unless someone is there to help them and they will get verbally aggressive if no one helps them and will just give up on everything for the rest of the day. The sibling has NO interest in anything except sleeping and smoking and even though the sibling wants to work they gave up because they would get anxiety from trying to fill out any type of resume or being told to talk to someone new. The thought of working inside a building freaks them out but if someone they know says “Hey I have a friend who needs help washing their car tomorrow. He said he’ll pay 30 dollars will you do it?” They will be happy doing it to earn that money.

Is this just high anxiety or does it sound like something more?