What are we doing about naps?

@sam1930 We had the same thing happen at that age and I figured I could get stuff done while she slept in the carrier. Usually hours worth of naps during mat leave while I watched TV or played video games. I did the cooking stuff while she was awake in the carrier.
@sam1930 I contact napped until about 10 weeks. Follow your babyā€™s cues. I noticed around 9-10 weeks that my son would fall asleep in his bassinet if I was still talking and patting him. I slowly started setting him down drowsy, but awake. Heā€™ll watch me until he falls asleep, so until then I stay next to him and pat his butt.

I also noted that he sleeps better on his side with a pillow or blanket rolled up under his leg.
@sam1930 I donā€™t think my baby did a bed nap where I left her until 5 or 6 months. Before that was always in the wrap, pram or cosleeping. 30 min naps on their own are pretty normal (and not negative, esp if they wake up happy) so itā€™s a bit of a game for you whether you want 30 mins to yourself or a longer nap with you. Good luck!
@sam1930 I have a 3 month old and weā€™ve also been cosleeping since birth. It was hard for me to have someone constantly on my chest but she sleeps for way longer that way. Small naps like 20-30 minute ones are okay especially when theyā€™re older and they can stay awake for longer.

I would sometimes use a wrap to have my baby in. Sometimes Iā€™d try to lay her down in her own crib, I have to put her to sleep and wait 10 minutes after sheā€™s asleep before placing her down because otherwise sheā€™ll just wake right up. I slowly increased this and she would nap for about an hour, sometimes only 30 minutes.

I think as your LO gets older theyā€™ll be able to nap without you being next to them.
@sam1930 I highly recommend a travel crib with a zip down side! I use the Guava Lotus on top of a thin, firm mattress, and when I need to step away I just zip the side. I exclusively nurse to sleep and this has been an absolute game changer. ā¤ļø
@sam1930 My daughter would do that- wake up at exactly 35 min. If I paid attention, I could roll away from her and stay nearby and shhhh pat her back to sleep at that wake up and sheā€™d do another hour on her own. Itā€™s not total freedom, but if you can catch the wake up and get baby back down, you might get another stretch of time for yourself šŸ¤ž
@sam1930 My daughter sleeps in her crib for her naps, but when she was a 3wo it was contact naps only in my boob. She is 9mo old now and she sleeps in her crib for nap time. With a lot of patience I taught her to sleep in her crib for her naps. At the beginning it was 5 minutes or 10 minutes only and that was ok for me. I donā€™t like letting her cry so every time she cried I would take her out and we would continue with contact naps. This worked for my family and my particular situation.
@sam1930 Im a stay at home mom, my 8 month old still only contact naps so i watch tv or read while she naps in my arms, if i try setting her down she wakes up immediately
@sam1930 I just started ā€œweaningā€ my baby from cosleeping naps as well as needing me at night (so I can have a few hours to myself if I want) rather than joining her each night for bedtime! Itā€™s basically just practice. I lay her down on her side, gently roll her onto her back ā€” while keeping my hand on her belly for pressure for about 3-5 minutes. Then I lift my hand away and sloooowly roll (literally roll) off the bed. She went from lasting 10 minutes to now can usually fully nap this way. But it just takes practice for them to adapt to it! Try it a few times and make small/short goals (5 min, 10 min, then 15, 20 so on) so that way you donā€™t feel defeated in the process! Theyā€™ll get there
@sam1930 I held my baby for every nap until he was too big and then I started cuddling with him in bed. Still napping with him to this day at 16 months.
@sam1930 Idk man. 9 weeks here. So tired of being in a dark room and feel like my butt is going to fall off. Mine stopped sleeping in the carrier around 4 weeks šŸ« 
@sam1930 Contact naps and baby wearing, she has a bassinet that I carry around with me throughout the day but 99% of the time she takes her naps on me or I wait till sheā€™s asleep and transfer her to bassinet hoping she stays asleep
@sam1930 my baby is 4 weeks old and she is currently napping in my chest in a laid back position.

if i want to get up and get stuff done, i very slowly transfer her to the snuggleme pillow next to me and sheā€™ll sleep there for about 1-2 hours