What are the most common unsolicited comments you receive when out with multiples?

@jon200689 Many people feel the compulsive urge to relate the world to their personal experience. I admit I am also somewhat baffled when some rando comes up to me and tells me their brother's in-laws have twin cousins. Oh wow, they're teenagers now? Why would I care?
@jon200689 I like this when the person is a twin or has twins because then I can ask them for stories and advice. But if it's distant twins it's just annoying.
@igbokwe Thinking of compiling a list of responses to keep things interesting, ranging from
“oh no, you see two storks were given my address by mistake and I didn’t want to send one back and create a HR nightmare for the poor stork baby delivery company”
“No, actually I was doing a naked headstand while my husband stood 5 foot away trying to get a personal best in the distance category. Think naked golf, but with body fluids.”
@igbokwe Give it time, it will happen. Even when they don’t ask outright I’ve had plenty of questions about egg freezing and retrieval, IVF, which clinics I recommend and assumptions made about our perceived infertility.
@rescued2 Usually it's been "do twins run in your family or..." And when I don't want to talk about IVF I say "they just started running x months ago, and boy is it crazy!" (Still toddlers so running is new). I usually get a confused expression which is amusing.
@wisa35 This is hilarious! My twins are 8 weeks so we haven't gone out, but at the hospital every single person asked us this. I'll have to remember this for the future and try it out sometime 😂
@coltonrc To be fair. I have girls one year apart who also fall into all those categories. Older one is small, younger one is big and they look so similarly it’s wild. But it is unusual.