What’s the obsession with teeth?!


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My 8.5 month old doesn’t have teeth and isn’t showing any signs of getting them any time soon. I couldn’t care less, she’ll get teeth when she gets teeth. But without fail her grandparents message almost weekly “Any teeth yet?!?!!!!” I usually reply with “no but she’s standing and crawling and doing x y z” this morning I get another message “teeth?!?” So my partner sent them an edited photo of her to include a full set of adult teeth. They didn’t reply.
@bucknut200232 This. My parents keep asking variations of "is she left or right handed yet". I've just put it down to them not sure about what milestones are next and wanting to be included somehow.
@bucknut200232 When I went into labour people kept texting "any baby yet?" so I sent them a photo of a 1 year old that was clearly a different race to me or the father, "born a minute ago"
@meanstreak60 My parents in law are obsessed! Baby drools? Must be teeth! Baby chewing fingers? That's teeth! Baby crying a bit? Teeth! It's been like this since he was 6 weeks old!

My father in law said "oh it can take months for teeth to come up" which means he's covered with an I-told-you-so when the baby finally does get teeth. Like technically the baby is born teething according to him, because teeth are always on the way! He's not wrong but there's like passive teething, where at some point in the future teeth will come up, and active teething, where it's affecting the baby's mood and well-being.
@beaub My husband is like this too ugh. She whinged at the dinner table? Must be teething. She woke up twice instead of her usual once? Definitely teething. When she was little it was hunger, as she grew it's now teething. She can't just be annoyed for a second for no reason haha
@beaub My mom does the same thing!! My baby is almost 4 months and found her hands a month ago and loves chewing on them (and ours too when she gets a chance). I come home from work every week and my mom says she must be teething and in pain. She can’t believe she’s just a drooly baby who loves tiny fingers lol so annoying!
@meanstreak60 Must make breast feeding a dream if you feed your baby that way.

Totally OT, but my grandfather only ever had one set of teeth in his life. I never found out which set though.
@dmarks My 8 month old has no teeth, no signs of teeth, and I EBF. I think about this all the time! She'll get then eventually, for now it's pretty great.
@meanstreak60 They want to know if you’ve returned to suffering yet lol

Teeth coming in = sleep regression, drool rash, mushy poo (from swallowing drool), and general fussiness.

On the plus side you’re in ibuprofen territory which is safe for babies 6 month+ when it does eventually happen, and I find that more effective than Tylenol since it specifically reduces inflammation
@meanstreak60 Well, my first two managed to get their molars around nine months, which made feeding them table food so easy.

My third child has only just got her upper and lower incisors at ten months, and today she was rather proud to be able to demolish some apple and some cucumber.
@meanstreak60 HAHAHA. I love the response.

My parents and my in-laws were obsessed with asking about teeth. I don’t know what it is about that generation but the number of times he was fussy from 4 months on and my mother would suggest “teeth”. I once joked he should have 100 teeth at this point if he got a tooth every time she had said he should.

My kid didn’t get his first teeth til 10 months.

Edit to add: other people were concerned about this but my pediatrician said until his 15 month appointment, she did not worry about lack of teeth.