What’s going on in there?🥺


New member
22 weeks along and for the last three days I’ve started feeling all sorts of sensations in my belly and groin area out of n o w h e r e. Bubbles, flutters in belly (those are welcome) but then I also get these weird quick ‘pulls’ in my groin area…now those I don’t like. I don’t know what they are. My next visit won’t be for another almost 4 weeks and the OB’s office says I’m fine over the phone. Did anyone else experience these sensations? So here are the different ones I’m feeling :
  1. Bubbles in belly area
  2. Flutters in belly area (these seem to be quicker than the bubbles)
  3. Weird ‘pulling’ or ‘tugging’ sensation on right side
  4. A sensation of fluid almost moving around in me whenever I get up from sitting
  5. Spasm like feeling in my groin area like something’s being released? Almost like the feeling you get right before you climax (I hate this one because it freaks me out)
Anyone else?

@michael2002pmc Hey mama! Sounds like you got some great fetal movement which is amazing. Remember, the more active baby, the better! I was so worried when my little guy seemed to just never stop moving and grooving, but I learned that it just means he is very healthy! They say that if baby moves a bunch it's good for their brains and muscles :)
Also, you may be having lightening crotch! I didn't know what it was when started feeling it either, so I was kind of concerned. But it's just that sharp pain you get in the crotch and it feels like your vagina is about to split open for a brief second 😅
Which is very normal!
All of your babies movements are normal and beautiful ❤️ they will get stronger every day! So be prepared!
Also there are no silly questions so never feel bad about asking them. I know that some of us who have experienced these things already may think it's common sense, but birth is unique and growing a baby from scratch will always come with questions. ❤️
@michael2002pmc Around that time I started getting an almost rolling sensation…it would start on one side and end up on the other (left to right or top to bottom)…kinda felt like when your driving and go over an unexpected hill to fast and your stomach bottoms out (if that makes sense). The first few times it happened it made me uncomfortable but I think it was just my baby rolling/flipping around.
@michael2002pmc FTM here too and I’ve had almost all those. Mine went from flutters to tugging to discernible kicks. With the “it feels like there’s an eel swimming inside of me” at various points. It can definitely be unnerving at times and I’ve tried to be more open about that because I felt shame thinking I’m only supposed to feel like it’s an amazing miracle when sometimes it feels straight up gross (the eel swimming in particular). What really helped me was spending time relaxing and trying to feel baby from the outside when I feel it happening inside. It was easier for me to mentally connect what was happening that way instead of feeling weirded out by it. I have a posterior placenta though so it may be more difficult to do if yours is anterior.
@michael2002pmc I’m just surprised you haven’t heard any of this from being an active member of the sub. These are even the exact same terms used by those referring to baby movements.
@barbousse Like I mentioned, the bubbles and flutters don’t concern me. I just added those to include everything I’m feeling. I was mostly asking about the other ones. I like to include everything because it might help someone else like me who has questions and can search terms instead of having to post. So to reply to your comment, no, I’m not dumb, I know how to search for keywords in the sub; but when I can’t find what I’m looking for I post.
@michael2002pmc Number 5 is my absolute worst. Didn’t experience it with my first and I did with my second so it made me have a love hate relationship with feeling the baby move. It lasted my entire pregnancy too.