Weight loss plateau / pp body struggles


New member
I am 10 weeks pp and have shed 24 of the 29 pounds I gained in pregnancy. These last ten pounds have been super hard to shed and now this last five seems impossible even with being careful about diet and starting to work out again. I know that five pounds is not a huge deal, but I am determined to lose this last bit because I need a “win.”

I had a hard pregnancy (was induced at 37 wks due to a failed NST and had ongoing monitoring for IUGR, which was so stressful) and I wasn’t able to breastfeed (incredibly low milk supply, latching issues), which I found really disappointing. Those two issues made me feel like my body wasn’t really doing what it was supposed to do and it felt like I really let down my baby.

My stomach is covered in stretch marks, my belly button is super deep and stretchy now, and I have dark discoloration all over my abdomen - it’s been hard for me to get used to this new body especially since it’s so different from before.

It feels like being back to my pre-pregnancy weight will feel like a small victory after what has been such a long road. It also doesn’t help that I can’t really do much to help with some self-care (e.g. get nails, hair, or brows done) because of COVID to feel a little more attractive.

With the disappointments I have felt in my body during and after pregnancy I think maybe that’s why I’m so fixated on these five pounds.

Anybody else feeling similarly? Any tips to lose those stubborn five pregnancy pounds?
@kirraantrobus No tips— but same boat. With my first kiddo I lost all the weight by 6 weeks. This time I am 6 weeks and have 5 lb that won’t budge even though I m doing everything the same and gained 1lb more this pregnancy.
@kirraantrobus My brother (who is a plastic surgeon) - told me that no matter how fast you lose the weight it takes about a year for your stretched out skin to ‘wrap itself back round you’ after you’ve shrunk again. 18 months pp I can confirm it does - but i found it super reassuring to know that it is happening!
@starspray This is what I needed. I had twins and lost 50 lbs in 2 weeks after they were born. My stomach looks like a train went through it and I still have more weight to lose. This healing process is such a long process I just want to know whats realistic. Recovering has been miserable for me because everything has taken so much longer than people said it would.
@kirraantrobus No tips, but I feel your frustration. I’m just starting to get back in shape (as in, today was my first day running again), and I am struggling hard with body image and wanting my old body back. I’m trying to be patient with myself.
@kirraantrobus Um I’m 6 weeks pp and I still have 20 pounds to go. I only gained about 35 and was thin before i got pregnant. Jealous of the women whose weight seems to just fall off. Sigh.