Weight gain


New member
Hello all! In need of advice. Baby #2 is almost 5 months old! Ever since I gained my college freshman 15 (20 cough cough). I have been sitting pretty steady at 143. With both kids, I got up to 165 or so but very quickly plopped back down to the magic 143. In terms of BMI, that 143 has always been in the high normal range. Just this past month I have gained and am up in the overweight range. I am also getting very close to the big 3-0. Is this hormones? Is this my metabolism slowing because of age? If I was pregnant again, I don’t think I would be gaining this much this early. Help! Is this the day I need to start really changing my eating and dieting habits?!
@dogwoodtree Unless its a hormone issue. Which you would need a doctor to diagnose.

Most likely you are probably eating more then you realize. With two kids I imagine its probably much harder to eat healthy.

I use the loseit app to track what I eat (I started gaining weight after 3 months pp cause we moved and it completely threw me off). But losing weight now that I am watching what I eat
@dogwoodtree Metabolism doesn’t actually slow and have the big impact people think it does. You could have some blood work done, just to rule out any underlying medical condition, but it’s also just as likely to be diet-related. Good luck!
@dogwoodtree I was very inactive during my pregnancy because twins... and lots of foot pain. I found it extremely hard to lose weight until I gained back the muscle I lost. So obviously idk what physical shape you are in but if you lack muscle your metabolism will be slower. Diet of course is key but personally I find it much easier to maintain a healthy weight with a consistent workout plan.
@dogsforthewin I was just talking about this with my husband. How once you hit a certain weight/body muscle loss, you are going to gain quicker than you did at that smaller size. Definitely something to think about!