We did it! Meet our daughters, Ada and Wren!


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Previous post here: Only one week left!

Meet our daughters, Wren Ann and Ada Marie - born Friday, June 27th at 12:47pm and 12:48pm respectively. Wren weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. Her sister, Ada, weighed 5 pounds, 4.3 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Both babies were breech, so our c-section was scheduled at 38 weeks - Friday, June 27th at 9:30am. Hilariously, Wren had a different plan and broke my water at 5:30am - only a few hours before we were going to the hospital for our c-section. We went to the hospital early for monitoring, our c-section was pushed several times due to emergencies, and, by the time we got into the OR, I had labored 6.5 hours and we were really close to being the next "emergency" c-section that day. The procedure went great... way better than I thought it would be!

I can't believe it's been a week already. Our daughters have been so amazing! They lost about 10% of their birth weight before we left the hospital, but, as of yesterday, they've both gained 3oz since coming home (yay!). Breast feeding is going WAY better than expected... we've managed to tandem feed most of the time and we've only had to supplement with formula once with each of the girls. They're pretty chill babies - except from 11:00pm to 4:00am when they want to cluster feed... that's not so fun, lol.
@f100flyr That is astounding! And what is it about twins getting bumped for emergency csections?! I also got stuck laboring for about 6 hours due to emergencies! Your girls are adorable! And not in the "oh tell the new parents they're cute" way. Those are just some good looking babies.
@katrina2017 Right? After about 5 hours of laboring, I was so uncomfortable that I told the nurses/docs that, if we waited any longer, I was going to be the next emergency c-section, lol!

And thanks!! We obviously think our daughters are adorable, but it's so nice to hear other people think they're cute too! :eek:)
@f100flyr Yay you! They're gorgeous little girls. I'll be joining the club in about 6 weeks and I'm glad to hear from someone who has done it that delivery/the first few weeks aren't the hell some people make it out to be.
@spivak Thank you! We were definitely surprised at how well everything has been going (so far).

Good luck with everything over the next 6 weeks!
@f100flyr I am so happy for you. My wife is expecting our fraternal twin girls in mid October. Hearing that everything went well and easier than expected in music to my ears. So many people tell horror stories about these things that it begins to scare you a little. I can only hope that our first few hours go as swimmingly as yours. Congratulations!
@supereddy Thank you!! Nighttime is definitely the worst... they're sweet little angels all day and at night I want to ground them until they're 18!! My milk supply seems to be keeping up with them which is great and we have a weight check tomorrow, so we'll see if they've reached birth weight.

The worst is that I've been experiencing postpartum hives when I breastfeed (ugh!) - hoping they get better once my hormones calm down a little, but those drive me more nuts than the girls cluster feeding all night!
@f100flyr I just teared up looking at the photos of your precious little ones. It reminds me of when my trips were that small!! I'd love a time machine to hold them that tiny again. Enjoy them! They are so beautiful. Pm me if you want any advice on your new twins. Congratulations times two!! Tell mama how special she is! Both over 5 pounds and healthy, way to go Mommy!!
@yablod Thank you so much! I couldn't believe I made it to 38 weeks... at my last appointment, I was measuring 44.5 weeks... the last few weeks of pregnancy were brutal, but, so worth it, knowing at how happy and healthy our little ones are. We're so lucky :eek:)

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