Watching a friends 2 yo in addition to my own 1 & 3 yo


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I’ve been watching a friends 2 yo for a week (12:30-7:30) M-F and idk how people do it! I’m a SAHM with a 1yo (chill little boy) & a 3 yo (chill little girl) and I’m exhausted. I’m grateful that the weeks over and I’m done (was just an emergency favor) but damn…how do people with three kids do it?! I can’t wait to go back to my own crazy kids lol
@wvguy777 My mom always said “the easiest number of kids is always 1 less than the number you have…and the hardest number is 1 more”. I have 4 and I can manage mine just fine, but heaven forbid I have to watch a friend’s kid for even like 20 minutes because I panic 😂
@wvguy777 I’m still trying to understand how people watch more than 1! My 1 year old requires my full attention all day!! I suppose someday I’ll want another but right now I can’t fathom it.
@wvguy777 We found having a set of twins challenging until we tried for a third when they were 2 and ended up with set two.

1 set seems like a walk in the park these days. Currently 6 & 3
@wvguy777 I kept thinking that my 3rd is the hardest child so far. The most clingy, the most destructive, the hardest to ween, the loudest, just all around tougher.

Then my middle started preschool while my oldest went to elementary. SURPRISE! He’s not the hardest at all! Quite the opposite. Plays by himself much more readily and is very verbal😂.

Turns out all three of them TOGETHER is the hard part.
@wvguy777 I know some do but most of us don’t have a 3, 2, and 1 year old lol. It’s still a lot of work but my 5yo is pretty helpful and good at listening lol. The week you had would have exhausted me as well lol
@wvguy777 I have a 8 year old stepson and a 4 month old son and I’m grateful of that big age gap. I have no idea how some moms do it with more than 3 kids, for me I don’t have to do much or anything for the oldest, he’s independent and does his own thing. So im mostly caring for my baby and giving him the most attention. I couldn’t imagine having to care for more kids! Nope, this is my last baby!
@wvguy777 I have a 4, almost 3, and 7mo. I think there’s two parts that can make it more difficult —
1. When they’re together. Aka summer. It was a challenge with the 4yo out of preschool. So much screaming and fighting.
2. Depends on temperaments of the kids. My oldest and youngest are pretty compliant, but my middle is a constant tornado, combined with being 2 years old. I wanted 4 originally and could go for it again soon if I were promised a kid like #1 or #3 but alas there are no such promises lol
@wvguy777 I have a 3.5 year old, a 2 year old and a 6mo old and it is an absolute circus. BUT I actually like it when other kids are around because my 2 older kids are occupied with them instead of picking on each other or me.

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