Waiting for the right time..

@hktm16 Omfg I swear it's some sort of nausea PTSD. I can't play any of the video games I played in the first tri, or watch any of the shows I never finished because they make me feel ill even over 3 years later. It's f'in bananas!
@abradaswity2675 For me, it’s beef jerky. When I was pregnant I was on the road a lot for work and my boss would not stop eating beef jerky on the long, winding drives. Still can’t eat the stuff.
@badone I was pregnant in 4 months after quiting birth control and never even had a period. I was sick immediately until 16 weeks in.

You don’t know how your body is going to respond. I’d just wait until after the road trip. Or maybe start trying on the road trip? Lol might make it more fun.

In the grand scheme of years and a lifetime 4 months won’t really matter (unless there’s a certain time you’d like kids birthday to be).
@badone Wait to try until after the road trip. You don’t know how you will feel- maybe fine but maybe horrible. Plus, on the road it’s harder to eat healthy. Sometimes you are limited to gas station hot dogs and sugary snacks. That’s ok in limited moderation when you are having pregnancy cravings, but you don’t want to be stuck with no options and feeling guilty about what you’re eating for the baby
@badone If you only have to wait until July I'd start preparing, come off any hormonal contraceptives but don't start trying until after. The only pregnancy symptom I had was being starving if I didn't eat enough, which made me hangry (this is the only time I've really experienced this). Others are bed ridden by morning sickness. You might be fine you might struggle. I'd enjoy the trip and try after. Enjoy it! My one is 4.5 and whilst we try to do as much as we can with her, there's a lot more I wish I could do. COVID ruined 2 years of experiences and adventures and now it's not something to worry about as much (I'm not in America, whilst I don't want it it is far less of a concern) she's in full time education. And I'm not legally supposed to just take her out, so our time is restricted. Enjoy what you can do now and embrace the changes a child can bring. But don't be afraid to try being you after, and give them the best opportunities available to you all.
@badone Im 35 & pregnant with our “one”. We delayed trying to conceive to go on a scuba diving honeymoon & I got pregnant after 4 months of trying so no regrets.
@badone I went to Iceland at 12 weeks pregnant and it was fine for me. We rented a car and drove around the entire coast. I was really nauseous from 6-9 weeks and only lightly nauseous thereafter. I would have still gone either way, but the nauseous would have put a damper on the trip.

Personally, once we decided we were ready nothing would have stopped us from trying (we were 32F and 36M). FWIW, we got pregnant on our third cycle of trying after using pull out only for about a year prior.

But I don’t think there’s a wrong choice here! You could NTNP (not try not prevent) before your trip and if you haven’t gotten pregnant then try try afterward. Or you could wait several years, or try immediately, or anything in between!
@badone Oh, i was a fencesitter too! I waited until 35 to have my only. Pregnancy was medically normal but i HATED every second of it.

We went to Hawaii during my second trimester and I was miserable the entire time. Seriously...it was basically a waste of money, at least from my perspective. I was depressed, cranky, irritable, exhausted and pissed off at my husband and the rest of the world for pretty much the entire week. I 100% say do some of your travels NOW, before getting pregnant!

But also, congratulations on the decision 😄 Having my son is the single best thing that's ever happened to me, and it took a ton of convincing and 9 months of hell, but I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat 💓
@badone Plan the trip. Go everywhere you can now. Do everything fun now. Doesn’t matter if you only have one …every single facet of life as you know it is OVER once baby arrives, and it will be …a long time… before you are going to have the energy or will to live…oops I mean travel 😂 I saw an earlier comment that stressed how society’s default 2 kids makes it seem that one kid is relatively easy, and what a LIE that is. I’d like to applaud that person lol. Everything is so hard and exhausting, feels like it never ends bc it fucking doesn’t. We’ve “traveled” 4 times with our now 7 month old and each has been a lesson in profound misery.

Source: mom with a nasty cold trying to figure out how to care for my 7 month baby while not passing her my germs. My wife assumed we’d be able to bounce back to our regularly scheduled life after a few months and it’s been hard watching that go down in flames. I ADORE my daughter and do not regret that she’s here; SHE and her adorable face and laugh and spirit have never been the issue for me. It’s everything my wife and I lost from our old life -relaxation, time, sleep, togetherness, real intimacy, hot sex, travel, leisurely dinners, happy hour, hanging out with friends post 6 pm (bc that’s bathtime now). Honestly when I think back on it, it feels like a beautiful dream I did not know I was having, and now I’m awake.

So yeah, take the trips lol
@badone I had my babe at 40. If I could do it again I would have kids when my parents were young enough to be a big help even if they lived far away and it was only every few months. My parents can help watch her a little at 75/78 but they can’t really lift her up the stairs or carry her for 15 mins while walking around (something that my very sweet but needy baby wants all the time.) I know not everyone has that relationship with their parents but it’s been the absolute clearest regret from day one.
@badone My travel experience—I would not have wanted to do a road trip in my first tri. I was super nauseous almost 24/7 and driving in the car definitely made it worse! The longest I did was maybe an hour and a half. Also the fatigue was insane. I was napping almost every day I could. This all started around 7 weeks pregnant.

I did take a trip to FL that we flew 3 hours for when I was in my second trimester at 20 weeks and that went perfectly. I still needed extra sleep but was able to enjoy beach, Disney, etc.

That being said, a lot of traveling while pregnant while depend on your individual experience with pregnancy. For example, I had pretty debilitating SI joint pain and symphisis pubic dysfunction starting around 24 weeks that would have made any travel that involved a lot of walking really difficult.

As others have said, some folks conceive the first time they have sex without conception and others may take longer and need additional interventions. I agree with the advice to not put anything off while trying to conceive!

We had our first (and only) at ages 27 and 33. I was able to conceive the first time without protection during my fertile window, but we weren’t actively trying. We both feel like we made this choice at the right point in our lives/ages for the most part :) I do wish I had done more traveling with my husband before having our daughter though. In theory it’s easy to think “oh we just won’t let the baby hold us back” and I was one of those but it is much more easily said than done!
@badone I traveled when I was 9 weeks pregnant and again at 14 weeks. The first was a 7 hr drive, the 2nd was a 5 hr flight. The trips were definitely different than my normal vacations: couldn't drink, more tired, had to pee more, but I still had a lot of fun both times! Thankfully my nausea was pretty much over by 9 weeks. I wouldn't let the possibility of being pregnant stop you from enjoying your life right now!
@badone Congratulations on your decision! I don't think waiting until after your trip will alter much of your experience? I got pregnant right before a trip to Disney World with my entire family. It was alright. I didn't get to ride many rides, I felt so tired and so hungry all of the time. Traveling was miserable for me because I get motion sickness just in general. But, it was Disney world so of course I made the most of it, however, in hindsight for how much we spent I wish I hadn't been pregnant during it!

I was 29 when I got pregnant and I was happy with that, I feel like it was a sweet spot for me. I am super happy with the time we decided to have a baby! For me personally, I was mature enough emotionally and at the same time young enough physically to really throw myself into parenthood and I also decided to go back to school. I do NOT wish I had tried sooner. If anything I wish I had prioritized doing a few more fun things before we had a baby!
@badone I hiked in the Cotswolds at 24 weeks pregnant and also traveled all the way up until the beginning of the 3rd trimester. You’ll be fine!

I had my baby at 36 after trying for 2 years.
@badone Don’t stop living your life. Take the road trip. Traveling with a child is no joke and not the same whatsoever. Enjoy these moments with your husband you’ll be thankful you went. Maybe when you get back you can put more effort into conceiving. Or if you are pregnant on the trip you’ll still have fun.
I wouldn’t wait too long after you get home to start trying though. Just me personally. We knew we were one and done too so we didn’t really start until I was 35. Well I had trouble and ended up needing fertility treatments. And I feel so tired with my little one, I wander if having him younger I wouldn’t feel so worn out. So I do wish we tried sooner. I also sometimes regret purposely becoming an older mom. Like when he’s graduating high school or getting married, I just have this guilt sometimes like I hope I’m still in good health.
@badone I had my one at 28. It was less about the number and more about where we are in life. My husband has a solid job with a clear path to promotions (we always planned for me to be a full time mom so my job mattered less to us), we own a home, we have no debt other than said home, we have a path to retirement and are overall very confident in our ability to pay for everything that a child may need. Being younger is nice because getting pregnant was easy for us, and I didn’t have any of the scary risk factors that come with advanced maternal age.

As for traveling, we traveled before the pregnancy, through the pregnancy, and now as a family of 3. Of course now trips are different, but still very much doable and enjoyable.
@badone I had my only at 35. It was the perfect time for me.

Pregnancy is so wildly different for every woman I can’t tell you if you will be able to travel while pregnant or not. I would plan on not being able to do anything and then be pleasantly surprised if you wind up with one of those unicorn easy pregnancies.

For my pregnancy, I had no complications at all. But I did get every symptom possible ajd it sucked. Super nauseous the entire first trimester. Absolutely exhausted the whole way through. Horrifically constipated the entire pregnancy. And got super winded easily so it slowed my ability to exercise and be active way down. Bad insomnia third trimester. I wasn’t feeling up for very big adventures the entire time. But again each pregnancy is so different. Even for the same woman. Who knows how yours would go!
@badone My pregnancy was great, I traveled solo and with my partner during that time. We went camping at 26 weeks pregnant, and did a long road trip. YMMV
@badone I’m 31 and 23 weeks pregnant, in February my husband and I did a 7 day cruise plus days of flights with excursions and felt fine, just a little tired. And last week we just got back from a week in Mexico with friends and I kept up with the group fine for snorkeling, walking and touring ruins, etc. I just couldn’t enjoy the margaritas! Ate my weight in guacamole though. Granted, some people have harder pregnancies than me and I’m just now 23 weeks along so it’s not like I’m doing all of this in third trimester! I’d say do the math and see how far along you’ll be (second trimester is usually your best bet for feeling good) and maybe hold off if you’re unsure.