Waiting for the right time..

@badone I would not recommend traveling while pregnant. In the first trimester you're probably going to be really tired. Traveling was the LAST thing I wanted to do while pregnant. I traveled the day I found out I was pregnant, barely had any symptoms, and I couldn't imagine even doing that same thing two weeks later...it would have been so miserable.
@badone We had planned that we’d start trying assuming I’d still be traveling for work a lot, but covid happened so I didn’t have to travel at all while I was pregnant. Honestly I’m SO glad it worked out that way because I was miserably sick from week 5-15ish. We were house hunting during my first trimester and even those short drives with prescription anti nausea medicine were pretty awful. I would not have enjoyed traveling at all. Even after the nausea stopped, I had the tiniest bladder ever (her head was on my bladder pretty much the whole time). That being said, we had an easy TTC journey (pregnant month 2 at 31) and I felt it was the perfect time. I’m glad we didn’t start sooner, but understand why others may feel differently. If you’re talking about waiting a few months to enjoy this trip, I would totally take the trip and then TTC!
@badone We’re big road trippers, and tbh being pregnant didn’t slow us down. In the first trimester he may have driven more but beyond that it was amazing
@badone My husband and I tried right away to get pregnant after we got married and we were fortunate enough to get lucky on the first try. I had a wonderful pregnancy and had the easiest pregnancy compared to everyone I know. I did not travel but I did have spurts of feeling super duper fatigued.

The plan for us originally was to have two. Postpartum hit me like a ton of bricks. I have a very high needs, intense spirited baby that is very demanding. It’s very hard to even do family outings on the weekend right now. For reference he’s 12 months old.

We were contemplating being one and done when he was 2-3 months old for my mental health and the well being of our marriage. It’s such a stress on the marriage having a high needs child. My son had medical issues that was diagnosed at 3.5 months old which confirmed we were one and done. We could not go through this again and also risk another child with a similar medical issue.

I often think about my old life and wish we had waited a bit before trying to get pregnant. I love my son, but I do think about the freedom to do what we wanted when we wanted to. Please, take the road trip.