Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned


New member
Has anyone had very mild symptoms and had a healthy twin pregnancy? I was throwing up constantly with my singleton and now I have like zero nausea and feel pretty good. I have had prior losses.
@grace92 I mean, I don't have any other children to compare to, but I had almost zero nausea in my first trimester, and I am currently at 21 weeks with healthy di/di twins.
@stosa I had the same thing when I was pregnant with my mo/Di girls, super easy pregnancy until I hit 28 weeks when I swelled up like a balloon and everything hurt lol
@grace92 6 weeks is still really early for morning sickness. Your hormones are still building, and all pregnancies are different. For example, I had 0 morning sickness with my singleton, but from 10-20 weeks I was horrific morning sickness with my twins.

Try not to worry about things like that, and enjoy the lack of symptoms for now. I spent so much time worrying I didn’t enjoy my pregnancy, and I wish I did.
Trust me the end of twin pregnancy is BRUTAL, so enjoy the easy days. 😅
@cn_999 It’s definitely possible! I’m not debating that. I’m just saying it’s still early to rule it out, and it shouldn’t be looked at as a negative thing in the meanwhile.
@grace92 i didn’t even know I was pregnant with twins until i was a little over 10 weeks, the only symptoms i had were fatigue and sore breasts, which was what prompted me to take a test! no nausea my entire pregnancy
@grace92 My symptoms didn't kick in full force until week 7 or 8. Then it was so intense that I had breakthrough vomiting even with all the meds.

Good luck. Just remember that every pregnancy is different. And it can be different from day to day even.
@grace92 I have had two previous miscarriages. Unfortunately for me the lack of symptoms meant I was miscarrying... Usually a couple weeks before it happened. I'm 12 weeks with my twins and I don't throw up but I have constant nausea and dry heave at everything. I hope all goes well for you. Every pregnancy is different.
@grace92 Many people don’t even know they are pregnant at 6+5 unless they are doing infertility treatment or tracking very carefully. So it’s very common to not have symptoms super early on. It takes a bit for pregnancy hormones to take off and symptoms onset or lack thereof isn’t an indicator of what’s going on in the pregnancy, even when it comes to singletons versus multiples.

I didn’t know it was twins until my 7 week scan and I felt totally fine before then. I did have some nausea develop around week 10 but it was nothing like my friend had with a singleton whete
@grace92 For my other 3 pregnancies, I had HG. I would throw up all day and night. I lost weight and often had to receive IV fluids. This last into the 3rd trimester each time. My only pregnancy symptom with the twins was sore breasts for a few weeks and exhaustion the entire pregnancy. I also had 3 other kids so that exhaustion came naturally…..
@grace92 I didn’t have any symptoms other than one night after I ate something the babies apparently did not care for. Threw up like 12 times haha
@grace92 I hope this keeps up for you! For a lot of people, it really ramped up in the coming weeks. At 6 weeks, I had some mild nausea/food aversion (so mild i didn't even think it was preg-related). I found out i was preg about this point through at home test, and soon after that nausea kicked in big time 🥲