Very fussy daytime feedings- 5 w.o


New member
Our 5 week old has started having extremely fussy daytime feedings. She squirms and cries/screams as we try to feed her. We've tried different feeding positions, frequent breaks, different bottles/nipples, gas drops, everything.

On the other hand, nighttime feedings go great. She'll have a great latch and finish 3-3.5 oz in about 25 minutes.

We've messaged our doctor about possible silent reflux but I'm not sure if that would only appear during the day? We have an appointment in 2 days but I'm curious if anyone has experienced anything similar.

Today we are going to try more frequent, smaller feeds to see if that helps.
@seaflower That sounds like silent reflux. My baby did the same thing starting around 1 month. Night feeds were always fine, so I didn’t think it was reflux. At 3 months, my husband made an appt and his pediatrician said it was reflux. We got him on Pepcid and it helped for a few weeks. Then we tried omeprazole and it was life changing. Within days he became so happy, rarely cried, and started drinking more milk and faster. Hes 10 months now and still needs the meds or all his symptoms come back. Good luck!

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