Very Early Labs - Low Progesterone


New member
TW: MC / pregnancy loss

(Background: MMC in July w/ D&C)

I got a light positive FRER on the 18th at about 9 DPO. Went in for labs yesterday (11 DPO) and beta HCG was 33, but progesterone was only 5.9. I can’t find much of anything online about progesterone levels this early and I’m unsure how concerned I should be right now. Last pregnancy also had low progesterone (9 at 8+3) and the doc isn’t sure if it was just low because the pregnancy wasn’t viable or if something bigger is going on. When I go in tomorrow for my second beta, they’re going to re-check progesterone as well as TSH levels. Anything else I should request to have checked? Anyone else have experience with such a low number right out of the gate?
@jc0990 Absolutely ask about supplementing progesterone. Even with progesterone shots I was only barely in their preferred range at the beginning of my current pregnancy, and my HCG was okay but not ideal. We added suppositories and HCG shot up, baby is now 33 weeks and pretty much disgustingly healthy. I had to keep supplementing until the placenta developed and took over, but after that point everything was fine.

Your situation may well be different but I really think a little extra supplementation was the deciding factor in him stabilizing and sticking around. If your doctor's willing to add some in, it's not impossible you could see a difference in your numbers. It's worth trying, at the very least. Best of luck!
@j2911 Thank you! ❤️ They started me on a progesterone supplement last pregnancy, but I think it was too little too late - I went at 8+4 but measured 5+6 with a very weak heartbeat. That was the first bloodwork done as well, so it was pretty much over before I even started the supplement. Switched my doctor and she’s been supportive of every request I make, so once we have tomorrow’s labs I will definitely talk to her about it.