[VENT] Out of my control and PISSED


New member
Found out today I have a couple of MASSIVE fibroids that will require surgery.

One measures 15cm. Probably too big for laprascopic surgery.

Doc says "Yeah it would be dangerous for you to get pregnant now, with fibroids that size. And you'll have to wait 6 months after surgery to start trying." (We had planned to start trying for #1 in 2 months.) "And you'll never be able to deliver vaginally after surgery. Early c-sections forevermore because we do NOT want you going into labor with a weak point in your uterus."

I've only been working my ass off for YEARS to get financially ready, to control my autoimmune disease, to get to a healthy weight and strength, and now it's like I've tripped at the finish line.

@lostbutfound85 I finally asked my doc about the big lump in my belly after I realized it was getting bigger.

Long story short, I noticed it last YEAR, but because I lost a bunch of weight right before then, and thought it must be an organ or something because I was skinny for the first time in my adult life, I never asked a doctor about it. It should have been caught before now, but I think I managed to skip the generic pelvic/abdominal check in an annual gyno exam for a year or two. But like my paps and ALL my blood work were coming back pristine, and my periods didn't change, so there were no other red flags.
@zara123 I had a very large fibroid, as well, but I found out about it and had it removed years before we had a timeline.

I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. I know it must be crushing. If you haven’t already, a second opinion might be a good idea. I was lucky to be referred to a very talented fertility specialist who removed my fibroid and saved my fertility.
@snowmonster2023 Well, my fertility isn't in question. Yet. (We actually have no idea about my fertility really because we've never tried yet.) She even suggested it's possible for me to GET pregnant with these fibroids, I'm just unlikely to STAY pregnant because of crowding in my abdomen.

Were you able to have a vaginal delivery?

Thanks for sharing, either way.
@zara123 My doctor straight up told me that I wouldn’t be able to conceive if the fibroid was left untreated. It was growing inside the uterine cavity and took up so much space that she said it was very unlikely that I could get pregnant. I hadn’t tried at that point and had spent the last few years on and off birth control, but I do wonder if there was a chance I could have accidentally gotten pregnant if it wasn’t for the fibroid.

I haven’t become pregnant yet (we’re not going to start trying for a few more months), but I was told that I should have no trouble conceiving and delivering vaginally.
@estherofazuza Yes, we've started trying just in the last 3 months.

My suegery recovery went fine. But the same week I was cleared to start trying, I lost my job due to COVID, so our plans got scrapped for months.
@estherofazuza Yeah, it was probably the single lowest moment of my life. Started therapy and am in a much better place mentally AND career-wise now.

Good luck. If you're having an open myomectomy, take your recovery SLOW. Trust that your body knows when it's reached its limit and let yourself rest a LOT. It will actually speed recovery. But definitely do the "get out of bed and shuffle around the house every 2 hours or so" thing. I was in a lot more pain when I didn't do that regularly the first couple of weeks after surgery.