UPDATE - Just left the ER with more questions than answers - Is it possible I conceived late? Can someone help me?


New member
This is an update to anyone who was wondering after this post

TW: Miscarriage

I ended up back in the ER today for massive clots. My hCG had gone from ~8600 to 5400 and there was no growth or a heartbeat. They've still only diagnosed me with a "threatened miscarriage" but obviously it is one.

Since I got home I've passed probably 15+ massive clots and can't get off the toilet for more than 10 minutes at a time. It sucks. The emotional pain will come but right now I'm just worried about my cramps & blood loss

Thank you all for the support on my last post and I hope to be back on this sub some day soon ❤️
@mimi87 So sorry to hear that things have gone this way for you. Do you have a regular OB? I'd call the on call/emergency number and ask for advice. Heavy bleeding is normal with a miscarriage, but there's a limit to where it is too much/worrying. They should be able to talk you through it and let you know when to be concerned/what to do.
@ansonthms I do, they close at 4 and are notoriously hard to get ahold of. This experience has actually made me decide to switch to a different office

I don’t feel lightheaded or dizzy so I think I’m gonna stick it out at home & get checked on Saturday when I’m supposed to go back in barring any changes
@dswain3k I was told softball post c section, obviously not quite the same. Definitely had 1 baseball sized and I called they said to go to the hospital if it got a lot bigger lol. They were right.
@mimi87 Definitely try to get in touch with your regular OB to have a followup to ensure everything is clearing as it should. If you and your partner have blood type incompatibility they’re a positive blood type and your a negative or vice versa you may need a RhoGAM shot to protect yourself in the future. It’s not an easy time at all but try to take care of yourself. Sending hugs
@johngthomas He’s checking to see if he can find out. I’m going to try to ride this out at home and have a follow up on Saturday when I was scheduled to go back in

Thank you ❤️
@mimi87 So sorry :( and yea this happened to me, the nurse was trying to convince me I conceived two weeks later than I did because of how it was measuring. I was so frustrated because I know when I conceived, I track my cycle, I was trying to get pregnant. She also wouldn't tell me definitively it was a miscarriage without more tests even though I was bleeding and the sac was small and empty on the ultrasound. So annoying to not have any answers but to know realistically myself what was occurring. If it helps I waited a couple months and tried again and am now 34 weeks! Lots of initial anxiety about having another miscarriage so i forced them to give me another 8week ultrasound and everything looked good this time! My mom had a miscarriage right before me and always says if that hadn't happened she wouldn't have gotten me so I try to think about it that way
@susanlo Yeah they are making me come back in Saturday for more hCG testing which I think is pretty pointless, but I'll go. I think I'm gonna give myself some time & see what happens

This pregnancy, while I was very happy, was not planned and my fiancé and I had to make a lot of changes in preparation. But now at least we both know we want kids pretty soon within the next year or two. I think fear of going through this again will be horrible in my next first trimester, but like you said, my mom also had a miscarriage right before me and obviously I am glad I was the one born instead, lol

I hope this next few weeks go perfectly for you!
@mimi87 Just want to say I’m so sorry to hear about this, and you are not alone. A year ago on April 18th, I miscarried at 8 weeks. The bleeding and passing of the baby was very traumatizing and I was super devastated for a long time. I ended up going to therapy after a few months which helped a lot. Some other things that helped in those first few days post-miscarriage were: taking several days off work, spending a lot of time snuggled in bed cuddling with my husband and dog, ordering take out/comfort food, and binge watching old tv shows and movies that I’ve seen a million times but make me feel safe/comforted. Gets lots of rest and take it easy for the next few days; remember it’s perfectly normal to be sad and to cry. You will get through this. Wishing you all the best ♥️
@newmove I'm sorry we're in this club together :( it's crazy to think back a month ago when we got that positive test and how my whole life changed in that moment, only for it to be gone just like that. I deleted my registry and everything this morning which sucked, and all I see when I'm on my phone is babies because that's all I've been looking up/thinking about lol. Therapy may be in the cards, it has always helped me in the past

But yeah, I'm snuggling up with my fiancé watching Twilight & drinking CAFFEINATED coffee which I missed lol. We both took the next few days off work/school

We also rebooked a cruise we had cancelled when I found out I was pregnant & we bought season tickets to Hersheypark (I was super bummed I wasn't going to be able to ride any roller coasters this summer). It's obviously not the same but having little things to look forward to is helping me
@mimi87 If you bleed more than a pad an hour or start to feel weak, you need to go back to ER. Speaking from experience you may be hemorrhaging. I've almost died 3 times due to miscarriage and hemorrhaging. When your body doesn't let go of all the tissue it will hemorrhage and bleed more in hopes of shedding all tissue. Sorry for you loss and take care of yourself.
@ironmike59 I'm so sorry you've experienced that! My bleeding has slowed significantly and I only passed 1 small clot this morning. Still going in on Saturday to make sure everything is ok
@mimi87 Hi, sorry for your loss. Yes, right now focus on your wellbeing, I see that you received already some medical advice (one pad one hour rule) and you should still go on Saturday for a folllow up. Miscarriage is different for each person, some take more days and doctors can prescribe meds to help. I hope you are now out of danger.

Regarding the aftermath emotional pain. Yes it is a loss, no matter how many weeks along is still a loss, don't let other downplayed it for you saying that is just an embryo and you can try it again without problems. I tought I miscarried when I was in the ER with blood and clots and hate it when people told me it does not matter, I am young I can try it even next month. Those are your feelings and you can try again when you are ready. I hope you have people that support you near you.

Also check with your doctor if you had any blood incompatibility between you and your husbands sometimes they forget to test for Rh. And if you try again mention the miscarriage to obgyn sometimes they do additional testing or prescribe progesterone to increase chances.

Take care of you 🤗