[Update] Expelled two mirena coils in two weeks - the third attempt was worth trying :)


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Original Post: HERE

The title is self-explanatory, but I expelled two IUD coils in two weeks. Ended up bleeding constantly, feeling terrible and missing a week of work.

I'm in the UK for context, but do have private health insurance through my workplace. So I made the decision to see a private gynaecologist through this as the NHS waitlist was 6+ weeks and I wanted all this resolved asap. She had a good poke around with the ultrasound and found nothing specific wrong and we agreed to give the coil one last chance.

It transpired that I hadn't previously had the Mirena but the Levosert - not sure how much difference there is between the two and but my timing for the first and second insertion was terrible.

I picked up a Mirena coil and timed my appointment to be just after my period. I had it inserted by the nice private gynaecologist with ultrasound before and after and it was a completely different experience. So much less pain, quicker and within two days I was right as rain. I've just come to the end of my first period with it, and although it's been a little sore, it's been a blessing to not have gotten through 2 packs of pads. The biggest difference has been my overall energy levels which haven't dipped as much, and I've been able to lead a relatively normal life in the run-up to and during my period.

All in all great success and fingers crossed that this little guy continues to stay put. Third time has been the charm!

Special thanks to @miraclegratis for listening to me in my hour of need too
@waro Reminds me of how my IUD expelled itself twice DURING insertion, that was something lol. I have the Levosert and love it, but man, insertion genuinely felt like I was being tortured lol, I’ve never felt pain like that, even with severe period pains.
@waro My first mirena lasted less than a week. I was bleeding so heavy prior to insertion, and then once it was inserted I started passing HUGE chunks of uterine lining and the iud came out with one of them. Ended up on bed rest waiting for a d&c. During the d&c I had a second one inserted, and it’s been fine since. My doctor did say that the chance of expelling it was higher, but I think the first one never stood a chance with how thick my lining was to begin with. She tried to avoid having to give me surgery, but by that point I had been bleeding for 3 months daily and nothing was stopping it.
@waro My IUD journey also took about 3 tries. By the third one, I had to completely switch doctors and clinics but it was worth it. They gave me Cytotec to help dilate my cervix and the third try stuck. I've had no issues since then and it's been about two years.