Unpopular opinion: u don't have to setup a nursery room now


New member
As a graduate for 6months now, im so glad we didn't fell for the hype of setting up a nursery room before graduation. It was impractical especially the first 3 months. Baby will be crying every 2-3 hours and it's impractical to go back and forth between main bedroom and nursery room. Also, you'll have a better idea of what u really want and need in the nursery room if u wait it out a bit.
@ron351ne We both completely acknowledged it won’t be used much in the beginning as they will be sharing our room, but if it makes mom feel better/safer/accomplished, who cares, we are getting that sucker ready to go so we don’t have any added stress when things are crazy.

If that’s the case, nothing else really matters.
@heyitsmeagain I’m still 5 months from graduation and I have to say it’s been therapeutic to feel like I’m helping. I’m not done with it, but setting up the nursery definitely alleviates some of my nervous energy about being prepared
@heyitsmeagain Yep - the nesting process is an important one. My wife was nervous about setting up too early as she was a bit superstitious, but in the few weeks before due date she all of a sudden wanted to sort it, and it was really nice to do it together while we had the time!
@ron351ne Depends on the situation. For us, I’m setting up the nursery now, because I know I likely won’t have time to do everything I need to after the baby arrives, and more importantly, we need a sleep space for the baby that our two cats won’t have access to. One of our cats is a 14.5 year old blind girl, who has slept in the bed with us for as long as we’ve had her (14 years). It would be cruel to force her out, so the baby will be in the nursery (which has a small room off the back of it, where we’re going to put a futon for the “on shift” parent to get some sleep).
@shellfish I have 5 cats ranging from 4 to 10 years old. We thought they would be a problem, but they have no interest in the baby and his presence in the bedroom has not deterred them from sleeping with us as normal.
@ron351ne We had our kid sleeping in his snoo in his nursery three weeks after birth. He’s nine months now and we have used the nursery extensively since he was born. It is way better for us to have all of his stuff (changing table, etc) set up in his space vs in our space. Definitely a matter of personal preference.
@ron351ne We co-slept with bassinet at bedside for both kids. My kids didn't sleep in their own beds until ~ a year old. At that point, we got rid of the crib and put a mattress on the floor where we would put them down and lay with them till they nodded off. Neither of my kids ever slept in a crib.

We did the whole shabang and built a beautiful nursery for the first that she never used till she was 1. My second barely got a paint job when he took over the office... Lol

My point? The nursery is for the parents, not the kids and they don't give a shit. They may not even use it.

Our system worked for us and now they are 5 and 3 and sleeping like angels through the night and I really miss sleeping with them every night...
@justcoolforyou Exactly. I didn't mean to not do anything at all. Yes, setup a changing station, dresser and whatnot but don't stress out on the design and extra nuisance stuff that u don't really need and only want because the Jones's post it on their social media.

Really dreading that day when they "don't need u" anymore.
@ron351ne I’m happy that it was done before the baby came. Our son came early, and I’ve got enough going on between work, taking care of my wife and son, and handling the house duties. The last thing I want to do is set up a crib and nursery right now. I’ve used that time to put together the glider seat and other stuff that my wife wants set up. I’m exhausted and looking to streamline things, not add more.
@ron351ne Idk how soon we’ll need it, but we had to set it up at some point. I’m happy it’s set up now so that it’s ready to go whenever we do need it. Granted, we weren’t using the room for much before then anyway
@ron351ne You have more time to set up the nursery now than when you have a 6m old. If there’s a project you can do before the kid arrives. Do it
@ron351ne Personally, I gained too much from setting up the nursery early to imagine doing differently for my second.

Fresh paint, new molding and light fixture, built out the closet, crib, changing table, bookshelves, rocker, art, stocked it to our best guess. After all that, I felt a bond to my unborn child that I just don’t think I would have had otherwise.

Yeah, we ended up with our girl sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed for a bit (nervous first timers of course). Plenty of naps were had in her crib right away, her changing table was heavily used right away, we knew where all of her supplies were.
@ron351ne We don't really use the nursery (which was very basic anyway) except to store clothes, diapers and other baby-related stuff. Baby co-sleeps (with the mom for now, though I did build a co-sleeper that connects to the bed) and during the day we're together in the living room where it's nice and warm. I just take the stuff I use for diaper changes with me in the room we'll be in for that period of time.