Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

@lookintochat Yeah. I’m in Canada and there’s overlap of issues but it’s obviously different in terms of mat/parental leave, but we also have a lot of daycare struggles and are far from universal.
@011235813 Yeah, I’m in Aus and we have childcare subsidies but I’ll still be throwing half my salary at childcare when I return to work. It’s a big disincentive for returning to work for a lot of women
@lookintochat Yep. We have a national $10/day daycare program, but the provinces have to implement it and ours has done a terrible job of it and made it really cumbersome for daycares to apply.

Even then, there’s very little standardization so some aren’t as nice as others.
@brendawwentz When the official US sub is made, can we include a rule that requires each post to disparage Nixon in one way or another? Because it's his fault the US doesn't already have this.
@jorod Oooh what did he do? We've had a conga line of useless at best to actively harmful at worst politicians in positions overseeing child provision, I wouldn't even know where to start.
@jaeschke19 This is just one.

Canadian diplomat Richard Colvin appeared before a parliamentary committee in 2009 and made a bombshell charge — that detainees taken captive by Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan and transferred to local authorities were almost certainly being tortured and abused. The issue escalated into a political crisis when the Conservatives refused to release documents on the issue and prorogued Parliament in December, 2009, shutting down the parliamentary committee that was probing the abuse allegations.

@brendawwentz Consider posting at r/eceprofessionals.

Or better still, asking that group what efforts are already under way to achieve this end and how parents can support those existing efforts.
@brendawwentz I’d love to help but that working moms group is the worst. Excluding people just because they can’t afford care and have to WFH with baby is insane bullshit and I can’t believe how often it happens.
@sabresong Yes I am, and that whenever someone posts in there that they WFH with baby they not only get ripped by everyone but get told they are time stealing, doing a disservice to their baby, more.
@ronniev The parenting subs are so rough sometimes. People can be so harsh and judgmental. This attitude is exactly what brought me to this wonderful sub and now I’m no longer subbed to any of the other parenting or “mom” subs at all.