Universal Childcare call to arms! -Mod Approved

@brendawwentz If this is in regards to US, we definitely need more pressure on legislators. Particularly red states, who were the ones responsible for shooting down the inclusion of education and childcare aid in the recent omnibus package
@maeghan Fixed! Thank you for pointing out my dingus actions! :p

It's still a VERY bare-bones sub, because I don't know what I'm doing and I need some other folk from our group to help.. but I'm here to get people charged up!
@paulgilldrums Just to confirm…you think that sub is gatekeeping and toxic; and yet here you are gatekeeping what group is appropriate to lead a campaign for a universally needed item such as Universal Childcare?
@paulgilldrums Totally understand your feelings there. We aren't just people from that sub, we're also people that do wfh and caretake at the same time. That sub is just where the initial call to arms came from.

I believe, though may be TOTALLY wrong, that the person that initially posted to get people together is fairly new to reddit and may have not known where else to post.

All of that to say that we don't want to just be people from one sub. We want to be every parent that wants child care.
@isaac0 Go check out the sub. If you’re in a position where you have to work from home while also balancing caring for your child, then r/workingmoms is not for you. Doesn’t meet their definition of a working mom.
@paulgilldrums Oh yeah...I was in the sub when they made that rule. They were getting multiple posts every day about how to work and care for children simultaneously. Just constant.

Moms who do that are welcome in the sub. You can talk about working motherhood. You can ask for tips. But if you're specifically looking for how to provide childcare and work for pay simultaneously, that's not the place. Because-- although it is the reality for many women-- there's no ethical answer (unless you have a job that doesn't ever require your guaranteed attention, which I'm willing to guess is unusual)

And frankly I think we do every single working parent a disservice when we pretend like it's fine to wfh with kids. If we want the work of raising children to be taken seriously-- and the work of SAHPs, and the difficulties of being a working parent-- we need to admit that no, you can't do almost any job and care properly for children. Nobody would pay a daycare provider who was also a call center agent-- they are not providing adequate care. Nobody would pay a therapist who had their kids in the background of a zoom call-- they're not doing their job appropriately.

In other words, the entire concept of working from home with otherwise unsupervised kids undermines all (well, the precious little) progress we've made in acknowledging the vital role of parenthood in society
@isaac0 I should stop writing comments and just direct here because you have said this better than I’ve tried to in several places through the post. Bravo
@isaac0 Well well said.

Not only that, but while majority of members of the r/workingmoms agreed that it is not the place to discuss that topic (again and again and again), the sub is still supportive of other spaces that do so. So parents who want to discuss parenting while wfh are frequently referred to the more appropriate space for them to do so at r/momsworkingfromhome.
@isaac0 I was too. And I think it’s an agree to disagree on this. It was written as coming from a place of privilege where parents were able to afford childcare and had children who were healthy and able to go to daycare. The attitude hasn’t changed.

One of my saddest memories from during the pandemic was a conversation with a teammate who was putting in her notice. One of her children is high risk and she had to quit her job to stay at home with him. So she was losing her income, everything she loved about her job, and also facing the challenge of finding some type of WFH so she could still support her family, while having to care for her child. She’s still not back to work in an office yet. And she’s not the only one in this position.
@paulgilldrums Yeah, I had to wfh with my 4yo for several months. So I'm not like.... out of touch or anything.

I guess we really ought to be uniting around the fact that working in America shouldn't be this way. Get mad at the people in charge rather than turning against one another