Unicorn baby solidified OAD

@samanthaadams It makes me super nervous to watch other people's kids, lol. I'm so used to being responsible for only DS, I feel anxious when I have more to look after. My hat definitely goes off to parents of more than one.
@evilbeans I do wonder if the dynamic is different, though. I also get nervous watching other children but that’s because I don’t actually know how they are disciplined or interact with their parents so I’m afraid to be too firm with them. The result is mild chaos most of the time.
@michaelprinzo Exactly. I know my son and what makes him tick. I can usually predict how he'll react. And I'm his parent, so I feel comfortable stepping in and correcting his behavior. I can say none of that for kids that are not my own.
@samanthaadams Yep, my daughter was a unicorn. She never cried, even as a newborn. She went to work with me from six weeks to six months and people were always blown away when they realized I had a baby in my office. She just…didn’t cry. It was usually just the two of us, so I’d talk to her all the time, around a month she would carry on a whole conversation with me with her little cooing sounds. That said, I think part of her lack of crying was that she’s an only child and had my undivided attention. I had PPA and was quite the helicopter. I knew all her cues and was able to tend to them immediately. Although that doesn’t matter with some kids, they’ll still cry, but I think it helped that she never really had much to cry about.

She definitely raised some hell in her toddler years, though. Lol But all in, it’s been easier than a lot of kids, I think. She’ll be 5 in a few months and she’s still petty chill.

I don’t ever want to do it again though.
@samanthaadams We often host playdates with my niece, who is 5, and my kid, 7.5.

Granted, there is something nice about them being able to play together. Neither needs a ton of direct supervision. I think this is because neither of them are toddlers any longer.

However, my niece LOVES to make messes. I was in our basement after a playdate and oof, she had taken so many things out and put them in weird places just because she could. Maybe I should have been supervising her more closely. She's also super into potty talk these days. So much so that my spouse had to say something to her to get her to stop. So, yes, glad to only have one, who has been taught to be polite and orderly!
@samanthaadams Definitely relate! Though my unicorn baby is now a very spirited toddler lol. LO is incredible and I wouldn’t want to be focusing on another baby when I can be in the chaos and fun with my only.
@samanthaadams This is kind of us…

Absolute unicorn baby. Contented and easy right from day 1.
Slept well, always happy and smiley, when he learned to laugh, he was always laughing and kicking his little legs.
Would happily go anywhere, nap anywhere and just generally a dream.

He’s 20 months old now, and well… he’s a toddler 😂 but certainly not a particularly difficult one, just one that has standard toddler moods sometimes, Which can be fun 😵‍💫

But he still sleeps, eats, laughs, plays and is pretty much a dream kid overall.

I don’t think lightning would strike twice 😂