Two birth controls for two months??


New member
Hi Reddit! I (22F) just got my IUD put in and when I tell you it was painful it was P A I N F U L. Took 800 mg of Advil prior to my appt and I can still feel the pain. I screamed “Fuck!” When the my gynecologist put it in me and was hyperventilating and tearing up a bit. The pain is very deep in there- almost like a sharp stabbing cramp with pressure in my uterine area. I felt that feeling about twice and for about 5 long seconds each time. Really wish I had been sedated but oh well whats done is done and I know this for the better.

I still have my Nexplanon in my arm and my doctor told me she wants to have the Nexaplanon in there for at least two more months due to something with expulsion of hormones. To be honest I was still writhing from pain as she was explaining this to me so I don’t really know what she was saying. Even when I was getting checked out the lady at the desk was surprised to see that I’ll have both in me for the next two months. She even joked around saying I’d go crazy from having all those hormones in me... hopefully that’s not the case.

When transitioning to a different birth control, did the doctor have you stay on your current birth control for a little, while taking the new birth control? And if so, how long? Thanks!!
@anphuchung I transitioned from the combo pill to the iud. I continued taking my pack until I finished it, about three weeks after insertion. I didn’t have much spotting or bleeding at the beginning, my guess is the pill helped suppress that. I’m not educated on transitioning from Nexplanon to an iud, but I know you’re not supposed to be on two hormonal LARCs at the same time. Looking at the transition guideline for your specific iud should help. It will be on the official website in the prescribing information.