Hey, I’m looking to try for my third baby in the next couple of months. I am 5’5 and 222lbs. Going in for an appt. to check out my overall health and discuss a future, hopefully, pregnancy. I plan on having a C-section. After the first baby being a c-section and my 2nd being a VBAC with a 3rd degree tear taking me out for about 5 months +, a c-section is the way to go for me. I’m a bit worried about my ObGYN because she was kind of “on me” about my weight with my second baby and I only got up to 180lbs in that pregnancy. Now I’m starting out at 222lbs and nervous about how she will go about providing care for me. Are there any questions I should ask or anything I should be prepared for going into this Dr.’s appt? Or for a C-section? Thanks for the help!